I am done testing theory's that hit 50/50 - Completely DONE I am sick of the back and forth up and down games I been putting out - I am going back to old school decoding period including the full breakdowns - No more quick breakdowns Starting today I will put out a ML play to make close 2 double your bet Again after the All Star Break I will be keeping track of my win/loss record on my free plays Phoenix Suns @ Chicago Bulls Breakdown: Last series game was 2/22/20 That game was 53 weeks ago including game day Donovan (Bulls) birthday is 5/30 (53) 53 is the [16]th prime number Bulls next win is [16] Bulls win there season record will be [16-16] Last series game the Suns won that game (112-104) That game was 12 months 4 days prior to this game ~ (124) Phoenix Suns next all time franchise loss is 2140 ~ (214) Williams (Suns) last birthday was (142) prior to this game including game day - Coronavirus = (142) Williams (Suns) next birthda...