Super Bowl LIII (53) ~ L.A. Rams Champions 2018/19

Make sure to read the Added Codes in the comment section 🌟
I am here to not only help you not to lose money on Super Bowl 53 but to win money instead. I am going to put this breakdown out free and ask those who I help Win money instead of loss money to send me a tip to my PayPal.
My email is my PayPal 

Appreciate it 
I put alot of time in and will add more as I find it.

Super Bowl LIII  (53) ~

New England Patriots 
Los Angeles Rams 

The Freemasons honor the symbol of the Ram in the name of their Masonic King known as Hi-Ram Abiff.


Series ~ Game 14
Patriots lead series  (8-5)
Series home game for L.A.
Patriots lead  (4-2)*

Super Bowl 53 On 2/3 the [34th] day of the year.
Rams win they trail at home in the series (3-4) - [34]
Also will trail the series L.A. Rams verse N.E. Patriots 3-4 ~ (34)
Goff with a win at home will become 
13-9 ~ (139)
Last time L.A. Rams beat N.E. Patriots as the L.A. Rams was on the date 13/9 1992
(139) is the  [34th] prime number  [34]
{34/43} ~
Series L.A. home with a Rams Super Bowl win Patriots will lead 4-3 ~ (43)
{43/34} ~ Backwards  [34]
(43) the 14th prime number ~ (14)

Goff birthday is 10/14 ~ (114)
(114th) World Series was the last World Series 114 ~ L.A. Dodgers vs Boston Red Sox ~ New England Patriots  (Boston) 

Sean McVay = 103
103 is the  (27th) prime number ~ (27)
McVay & Goff next win is (27) in his first Super Bowl at the age of 33
McVay with a win becomes 27-9 - (279)
(279) sum is 416
Belicheck birthday is 4/16
McVay is from Georgia 
Super Bowl 53 in Georgia 
McVay was born in 1986 ('86)
Rams win Super Bowl 53 they will trail the series 8-6 ~ (86)
McVay start (36) ~
Referee for Super Bowl 36 the last time these two met in a Super Bowl wore #86 (86) ~
Definition to get 86'd ~
86'd is American English slang for getting rid of something by burying it, ejecting someone, or refusing service

Bill Belicheck = (254) Reverse Ordinal 
9/11 is on the (254)th day of the year 
Belicheck remains at (254) wins with N.E. with a loss ~ (254)
Belicheck can get loss 90 ~ (9) w/Pats
9 ~ meaning is Final Judgement 
Belicheck can get all time loss [135]
N.E. Patriots record so far this year is
13-5 ~ [135] & with a loss in Super Bowl 53 will finish the year at (13-6) 
Kraft (Patriots owner) next loss ~ (136)
Belicheck with a loss remains at [291] all time wins ~ [291]
Belicheck with a loss post season record with the Patriots will be 29-11 ~ [291]
Brady would match that post season record with a loss @ (29-11)
(2911) like the - 2nd 911 ~ (29-11)
Belicheck with a loss all time post season record will be - 30-12    -or-
Robert Kraft next win is (312)

Stan Kroenke  (Rams owner) next win is (67) - With win (67-80)
(67) is the '19th prime number
Super Bowl played in 2019 ~ (['19])
** Patriots as (New England Patriots) next all time franchise loss is 331, again as the New England Patriots. Loss (331)
(331) is the 67th prime number 
67th prime number is [(19)]

Robert Kraft  (N.E. owner) on all time start (447)
(447) sum is 600 ~ (6)
Rams next series win is (6)
Kraft is on his (47th) post season start (47) is the [15th] prime number ~ [15]
Kraft has a post season record of  32-14 and his next loss is [15]
Rams on 47th franchise post season game ~ 47 is the [15]th prime number  [15] ~

Brady can get post season loss (11)
Belicheck can get post season loss (11)
(11th) prime number is ~ [31]
Goff, McVay & Kroenke with a win post season record is 3-1 ~ [31]

πŸ”₯ Trump re-opened the Government on 
1/25 but only until 2/15 
That is a total of (21) days
New England Patriots next franchise post season loss will be (21)
That is 1/25 til 2/15 ~ numbers can make (251) ~ (251) is the [54th] prime number Brady with a loss becomes 5-4 in Super Bowls ~ [54]
Even better the shutdown ended on 25/1 (251) the 54th prime number 
Brady with a loss in Super Bowl s 5-4 (54)

Los Angeles Rams next franchise loss is 590 (59)
Patriots are in there 59th NFL Season  (59)th prime number is [17]
Patriots/Rams played in Super Bowl 36
[17] years ago
Date Numerology of  [17] 

Codes for Patriots ~

#12 vs #16 (216) - {6×6×6=[216]} {63/36}
Mercedes-Benz Stadium = (307) Reverse 
Brady start (307) 
(307) the (63)rd prime number 
N.E. wins Brady record in Super Bowls is 6-3 ~ (63)
Brady with a loss 6-3 in the post season in retrofits  (63)
New England Patriots with a loss remain at all time franchise win 536 (36) {36/63}
Patriots with a loss remain at (36) post season franchise wins (36)
Brady with a loss remains at 236 wins  (36)
Rams win finish 16-3
Patriots lose finish 13-6
Last series game N.E. Won 26-10
McVay with a loss will be 26-10
Patriots as (New England) Can get post season franchise win (36) - {36/63}
Difference between Super Bowl (36)(Rams/Pats) til Super Bowl 53 is 887 weeks  (887)
(887) is the  [154th] prime number [154]
Rams lose Super Bowl 53 they finish the year 15-4 ~ [154]

Look for the Boston Celtics coach Brad Stevens to be on 254 wins (just like Belicheck) on Super Bowl Sunday 2/3 verse the Thunder before the Super Bowl in a Prime Time game.

From experience these Patriot codes are set-up coding for a Big Take by the house

The theory that every decade an NFL team wins three Super Bowls can still be fulfilled next year in the 2019 100th NFL season 
Pittsburgh Steelers won there third Super Bowl in January of 1980 in the 1979 NFL season.
Patriots can still fulfill that theory next season.

Well over 90% is on New England. πŸ’°πŸ’°
Brady remains at 5 Rings 
5th Age Tom Brady ~
L.A. Rams Super Bowl 53 Champions or at minimum cover the 2.5 spread.*

Pick: Los Angeles Rams  (+2.5) πŸ”’
* Take the points**

Plan is sometime after the Super Bowl to open up my own Patron page about sports decoding.
I use very little gematria but use alot of different coding.

I'll keep the blog posted...

Pay Pal is my e-mail address 

Thank You & Your Welcome 

All new coding will be added to the message board below...


  1. Rams win no doubt remember where you heard it from.

    Celtics got all time franchise loss 2610 verse the Warriors
    Last series game Patriots beat the Rams 26-10 ~ (2610)


    1. The Freemasons honor the symbol of the Ram in the name of their Masonic King known as Hi-Ram Abiff.

    2. Why didn't they honor it the last time vs Rams?

    3. I can give you several different theories but I do not know that answer for sure.
      I do know Rams when though Ram

  2. Last year guaranteed' an Eagles win Super Bowl 52. Put the blog up !

  3. the money doesnt matter.. Pats have been favored every time ,just about, .doesnt mean theyll lose. This is another FU game, I think.. theres been 3 close super bowls and the conf championships were OT.. I think Pats win and cover

  4. Todd Gurley MVP? Born in Baltimore on 8.3 The football/Brady number. He has a lot of synchs to "MVP'

  5. These QB birthday calculations are a in favor for the Patriots I believe but that is because the length between the birthday and the game is one of the top decodes used by the average sport decoder.

    Goff 10/14
    Since his birthday it has been 112 days (112)
    Super Bowl = (112)
    It is also 3 months 20 days which could be the Super Bowl date 3/2
    It is also (16) weeks
    Goff next loss is (16)
    From 2/3/18 til his next birthday is 253 days (253) is the 22nd prime
    Goff with a loss is 2-2 in the playoffs (22)

    Brady birthday 8/3 is (6) months since his birthday (6)
    Brady next birthday is also (6) months after Super Bowl 53
    Brady can get his (6th) ring ~ (6)
    Rams can also get there (6th) series win verse the Patriots in Super Bowl 53.

    1. Brady birthday (6) months before and after the Super Bowl is just too much in my opinion and remember Rams can get series win (6) on 2/3/19

    2. Gurley and Brady b-day is same day

    3. You can't say because its 6 months after Brady bday means Patriots lose 6th h2h vs Rams since Brady can also win 6th Super Bowl. It's a contradiction. The 6 is thrown out. It's all about 26. 26 date numerology. Rams lose 26th playoff game. If you don't know why its 26 date numerology, do some extra work. Your missing a big number.

    4. I am aware of the 26 coding and yes the Patriots have alot of coding.

      NFC leads the AFC in Super Bowls 27-25.

      Write out twenty eight =
      156 Ordinal
      156th prime number is (911)
      Full Reduction twenty eight =
      5.7 billion for the Wall ~
      (57) yard FG

      NFC gets Super Bowl win (28)


    More symbolic coding.

  7. damn you picking the underdog in back to back years (eagles + rams)

    1. JP I said Super Bowl 51 Brady gets his 5th and last ring.
      That year Warriors and Penguins got there 5th Championship like I predicted with my 5th Age coding

  8. We are forgetting the Patriots twins. Matt Ryans twins for told Pats making SB. They are number 32 and 30 = 62,26,53, 8 etc. Jackie slater son, Matt Slater is a WR on Pats, #18, he was draft number 153.. Rams number 18 Cooper Kupp got an ACL. I'm not assuming what it means but it means something

  9. 3 rams did the Hail Satan hand sign while walking down ramp at media day.. no Patriots did. Cam newton did it at a game, he lost. Texans did it the next night ,they won. I've seen Roethlisberger do it during a fame he lost

  10. If the Rams don't win Super Bowl 53 I will be done decoding sports on this blog.

    100% Rams Win Super Bowl LIII

    1. no, dont quit. theres no reason to be 'finalistic' about it. no one bats 1000 .
      no matter the outcome. frankly, this has the real world narrative of being too much for rams to handle.

    2. Brother I really am just that confident and after the Rams win It will be all good.

    3. 3 rams do hand sign is a code for Rams' 3rd loss in a SB. 1-2 currently.

    4. Three people threw up the sign ~ 666
      Brady with a loss 5-4 in Super Bowls [54]

  11. McVay will be 33 years 10 days old on 2/3/19
    (331) is the 67th prime number and (67) is the 19th prime number for McVay to win his first Super Bowl in 2019 (19)

  12. Rams/Saints Game was win with a 57 yard winning FG like 5.7 billion for the Wall.
    McVay went 26-9
    (269) the 57th prime number (57)

  13. Rams (Modern Era record) 435-412
    Win 436 ([36])
    At home 236-184
    (236) Just Like Brady
    Post Season record
    18-21 ~ Can get win (19)
    Super Bowl of 20(19)

    1. Dummy goverment shutdown ended on January 25th for 3 weeks not the 26th your head is really upside down you can't even admit your wrong and face facts that your rams are gonna lose and then your gonna delete your blog your an idiot

  14. [(54)] Coding ~
    Brady 5-4 in Super Bowls with a loss [(54)] ~

    Government Shutdown ended on 26/1 ~ (261)
    Will start back up on 16/2 ~ (261) backwards
    (261) is the 54th prime number ~ [(54)]

    World Series ~
    From Wiki ~
    The Red Sox beat the Dodgers in five games to win their fourth World Series title in 15 years dating back to 2004, and their ninth in franchise history.
    (54) ~ (9th) like Brady's (9th) Super Bowl ~ (9)
    Alex Cora (Redsox coach) finished last year with (54) losses (LOSSES)

    Tom Brady with a loss in his (9th) Super Bowl will become 5-4 ~ (54)

    1. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    2. Egypt Arrests 54 Suspected of Planning Violence on Uprising ...
      U.S. News & World Report
      1 day ago


    3. See 54 Michigan school districts with lowest median incomes
      7 hours ago

      Brady from Michigan

    4. Let's not forget about ~ FOX 54
      FOX = 666 - [36]
      FOX (54)

    5. Remember this stat last year before Super Bowl LII

      Tom Brady leads 54th comeback win as Patriots head to Super Bowl LII

    6. Brady won 5 Super Bowls and 4 Super Bowl MVPs ~ (54)

    7. Turn it upside down to find truth

      Trump 45th President
      {45/54} ~ (54)

  15. Daniel Chapter 8 read it and cry its all biblical codes for the Patriots to win Superbowl 53 you special dumb fuck your head is upside down you retard

    1. Your mind is backwards your a special dumb fuck you retard you can't even read a code right cuz that other guy threw the correct code in your face and your too stupid and uneducated too see that it's all about Brady and his 6th Superbowl win cuz your a hater like all the rest of the Brady haters delete your blog you retard like you said you con artist scam artist

    2. Get a life.
      Don't come on here hating on me because I have the Rams.
      Go find someone else that likes the Rams and hate on them. Oh yeah everyone has the Patriots so you can't.
      I erased like 20 messages by you so far.
      Lose money then.
      If I am wrong I will lose money and delete my blog.

      What else do you really want to say I get it you love the Patriots and thing it is in the bible they will win.
      You can go now.

  16. McVay just turned (33) years old.
    Rams with a win will be 3-3 in Championship games.
    This is there fourth Super Bowl and with a win 2-2
    Before the merger they won one championship and lost one ~
    (1-1) before The Super Bowl era
    All time the Rams with a win will be 3-3 in Championship games (33)

  17. NE vs LAR ...
    ?? = WL
    NE wins and covers

    1. There's numbers for any team to win. all this number nonsense for.nothing. Zach got them.manipulated and gullable lol

    2. I can type in numbers or any team to win. It's sad ppl are Into this. Just watch game lol

  18. dodgers lose 2 straight world series. patriots lose 2 straight super bowl... perhaps? i'm gonna enjoy my koolaid on this game. find other games to bet on folks.

  19. Well i think that Brady6 maybe the real Brady12 in his lead reoccurring role as chief instagater for Belicheck's gatebreaker team. ie (spygate, deflategate ect.) Even though this superbowl rematch is 17 years apart. The spygate scandal was actually uncovered to the public eye by then NY Jets Head Coach Eric Mangini in early fall of the 2006 season. We just completed the 2018 season. 2018-2006 =12. Deflategate was uncovered when the New England Patriots were discovered using under inflated footballs in the 2nd half of thier victorious AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME against a Peyton Manning led Indianapolis Colts team on Jan.18 2015. In closing I will admit I know nothing about decoding or gematria but i bet if you look at that date of Deflategate there's 12 in there somewhere. Thanks for a great slant to look at when trying to formulate a winner be it in football, baseball or any other sport. So let it be heard here first , the one , the only and the original BID DADDY COOL is following his new (#1 Main Man) Thomas Stovall in taking that 5 star gold lock pick "RAMS PLUS THE POINTS" in this Sundays Super Bowl.

  20. I was watching Dan Behrendt on Gematrinator this morning and he brought out your blog, which by the way he gave you outstanding reviews and got your address. So please keep me in the loop I really enjoyed your work. Thanks again, BIG DADDY COOL


    Hey Idk if this even make sence or if it has any connections but The book of Daniel chapter 8 Daniels Vision the ram and the goat?

    1. Yes it does it has the goat defeating the ram I read it this dude Tomas Stovall doesn't wanna face facts that he's completely wrong he's not that bright he thinks he's an expert and making up his own codes he deleted one of my posts that he didn't want anybody to see that proves Patriots are gonna win Superbowl 53

    2. Here's the post he deleted Tony Romo for Super Bowl LIII. Not only will he be announcing the big game, he has a full reduction and single reduction of 45. Tony Romo's birthday is April 21st. That is 45 days prior to Robert Kraft's June 5th birthday. Tony Romo's high school 'Burlington High School' has a Jewish reduction of 108. Jim Nantz is the other announcer and he's 59-years-old. This is the Patriots' 59th NFL season.

      Nantz is also from Marlboro High School, which has a full reduction of 99 and a single reduction of 108. For English extended, it shows 666. The Red Sox won 108 games in the 2018 MLB regular season. CBS has a full reduction of 6 and a Trigonal of 199. Brady was the 199th pick. 'Super Bowl 53 on CBS' has a full reduction of 66 and Belichick is 66-years-old seeking his 6th super bowl win with the Patriots

  22. Super Bowl 53
    Patriots are (5-2) verse animal teams in the Super Bowl
    With a loss they become
    5-3 verse animals in Super Bowls (53)
    Super Bowl 53

  23. Belicheck next loss with the Patriots is (135)
    #99 Darnold just signed a six year deal for $135 million ~ (135)

  24. 🌟 Take the 2.5 points with the Rams 🌟

    Patriots have Alot of coding also but if for some reason N.E. wins I believe it will be by one or two points.

    I am still on the Rams but 🌟 Take the points

  25. I really don't think animal teams means much. Read Daniel 8, what's your opinion on that?

    1. My opinion on Daniel 8 ~

      If the Rams when what does Daniel 8 mean then ?

      🌟 Again take the 2.5 play it safe.

    2. 37-32.... Just bet the over ........ Easier money...

      At 1st i had rams.... Then i. Changeg my mind.. If the pats win and i bet on rams ill regret not betting pats.... I just seen rfg video.... That shit crazy..

    3. Daniel = 45, 117 (Ordinal, Reverse Ordinal)
      Kroenke / Kraft = 79
      Goff / Brady = 79, 797 (Extended)

      Tomas has shown in his breakdown above that 67 is a winner code for Kroenke and a loser code for Patriots. Brady goes 5-4 in LIII (1)117.

      sixty seven = 155 (J.O.) Match #155 season #99 gave a running total of 7461 points for the season. "Rams Super Bowl win" equals 1947 (Extended)

      I'm glad that I took the Pats vs Rams Super Bowl bet back in August, before the season started...

  26. How about the 1949 season? Two leagues had a championship, a week apart. Patriots didn't exist but are linked to Browns..Rams are linked to Browns by history/region...LA Rams wore red in 1949 and lost to Eagles Browns beat 49ers. Belichick coached Browns, getting their juju/history, before going to Patriots , following the Tuna, who he worked with in NY

  27. It's not animal teams I don't's the Pats ,an afc team vs teams with seniority. The Ram loss is the most confusing to me. They beat Eagles, but Eagles had a black QB, so Eagles got their redemption last year. Pats weren't allowed to beat the Giants/ny/Packers/Bears, before Brady..league seniority. .they only beat the lesser historied, expansion teams Seattle, Carolina,Atlanta,, this in my theory would agree with a Rams win....Rams player ,Jackie Slater, his son is a WR on the Pats now....jeez,what's it mean?

  28. L.A. Rams vs New England Patriots in Superbowl 53 on Sunday February 3rd 2019.
    Rams vs The Goat (Tom Brady).

    Daniel Chapter 8. The Ram vs The Goat. 'Daniel 8' in gematria has a value of 53. This will be Superbowl 53.

    In Daniel chapter 8, the Goat is victorious in verse 7 over the Ram. This game will be played on the 34th day of the year. 3+4= 7.

    Daniel 8:17 (Verse 17)- "This vision refers to the end of time." 02/03/2019.....2+3+2+0+1+9= 17.

    2019 minus 17 years was Superbowl 36, which was played on 02/03/2002, The Patriots defeated the Rams 20 to 17.

    The Revelation 12:1 woman sign (1/21 Blood Moon 2019, 12:1) came in the year of 2017. In Superbowl 36, what is called 'The final drive' started on New England's 17 yard line with the score tied 17 to 17 with 1:21 left in the game. (01/21 Blood Moon 2019).

    02/03/2002- 02/03/2019 is exactly 17 years. It is also exactly 204 months. Strongs 204- A city in N. Eg.

    This is New England's 11th appearance overall and Brady's 9th. 9/11/2001, the Twin Tower tragedy until the 02/03/2002 Superbowl is 145 days. Strongs 145- Organ of perception. The two planes that crashed, one was Boston bound (New England) the other was L.A. bound!

    Patriots coach, Bill Belichick is 66 years old. (33 + 33= 66). Rams coach, Sean McVay is 33 years old.

    02/03/2002....2+3+2+2= 9. 2019 will be Brady's 9th Superbowl appearance.

    The Patriots last Superbowl victory came over the Atlanta Falcons on 02/05/2017....2+5+(20)+(17)= 44. 02/03/2019....2+3+(20)+(19)= 44.
    This code of 44 declaring victory for the Pats? This Superbowl will be held in Atlanta.

    'QB Tom Brady' in gematria has a value of 117 (17).

    'Rams & Patriots' in gematria has a value of 169. On 01/06/19 there was a partial solar eclipse. That day, the Sun was darkened and then on 01/21/2019, the Moon was turned to blood, just as stated, before the day of the Lord in Acts 2:20. BTW, this Superbowl on 02/03/2019, plus 17 days is 2/20/2019 (Acts 2:20). 02/20/2019 contains the Full Snow Moon.

    'February 3rd 2019' in gematria has a value of 133. 'The final Drive' has a gematria value of 133.

    Patriots by 17. 44-27. 44- Pats code, 27 total verses in Daniel Chapter 8. Tom Brady- MVP. #12 (12/21). John 14:6.

    1. no team has won by double digits since roger goodell became the commissioner.

    2. Yea other teams have Seattle Seahawks Superbowl 48 and I believe Denver Broncos Superbowl 50 so other teams have won in the Superbowl by double digits

    3. yeah you're right. i read it wrong from someone else's blog. new england win/loss by single digit under goodell in their super bowl appearances.

    4. you still maybe right. i'm not here to discredit anyone. im thinking pats win though. their first super bowl score 20-17. pats go 2-0 vs rams 17 years later.

  29. Here's more proof that Patriots are going to win Superbowl 53 check out the link

  30. Well, I do think the twin thing is being ignored. Jersey numbers 32/30 = 53, 62, they are both 31= 62, matt ryan gad twins after last season..they made damn sure two other teams had twins.. the band at half time of the Rams, Saints game, had twins in their name

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. eagles last year, Rams this year= in back to back SBs. SB 14 Rams lose to Steelers, SB 15 Eagles lose to Raiders.

    1. Patriots are winning did you not read the Daniel 8 the goat defeats the ram did you not read the numbers right Patriots are winning not the Rams L.A. Rams vs New England Patriots in Superbowl 53 on Sunday February 3rd 2019.
      Rams vs The Goat (Tom Brady).

      Daniel Chapter 8. The Ram vs The Goat. 'Daniel 8' in gematria has a value of 53. This will be Superbowl 53.

      In Daniel chapter 8, the Goat is victorious in verse 7 over the Ram. This game will be played on the 34th day of the year. 3+4= 7.

      Daniel 8:17 (Verse 17)- "This vision refers to the end of time." 02/03/2019.....2+3+2+0+1+9= 17.

      2019 minus 17 years was Superbowl 36, which was played on 02/03/2002, The Patriots defeated the Rams 20 to 17.

      The Revelation 12:1 woman sign (1/21 Blood Moon 2019, 12:1) came in the year of 2017. In Superbowl 36, what is called 'The final drive' started on New England's 17 yard line with the score tied 17 to 17 with 1:21 left in the game. (01/21 Blood Moon 2019).

      02/03/2002- 02/03/2019 is exactly 17 years. It is also exactly 204 months. Strongs 204- A city in N. Eg.

      This is New England's 11th appearance overall and Brady's 9th. 9/11/2001, the Twin Tower tragedy until the 02/03/2002 Superbowl is 145 days. Strongs 145- Organ of perception. The two planes that crashed, one was Boston bound (New England) the other was L.A. bound!

      Patriots coach, Bill Belichick is 66 years old. (33 + 33= 66). Rams coach, Sean McVay is 33 years old.

      02/03/2002....2+3+2+2= 9. 2019 will be Brady's 9th Superbowl appearance.

      The Patriots last Superbowl victory came over the Atlanta Falcons on 02/05/2017....2+5+(20)+(17)= 44. 02/03/2019....2+3+(20)+(19)= 44.
      This code of 44 declaring victory for the Pats? This Superbowl will be held in Atlanta.

      'QB Tom Brady' in gematria has a value of 117 (17).

      'Rams & Patriots' in gematria has a value of 169. On 01/06/19 there was a partial solar eclipse. That day, the Sun was darkened and then on 01/21/2019, the Moon was turned to blood, just as stated, before the day of the Lord in Acts 2:20. BTW, this Superbowl on 02/03/2019, plus 17 days is 2/20/2019 (Acts 2:20). 02/20/2019 contains the Full Snow Moon.

      'February 3rd 2019' in gematria has a value of 133. 'The final Drive' has a gematria value of 133.

      Patriots by 17. 44-27. 44- Pats code, 27 total verses in Daniel Chapter 8. Tom Brady- MVP. #12 (12/21). John 14:6.

  33. Rams wins #590 franchise and win #159 for home teams season #99
    Rams stays at 587 losses. 587 is the 107th prime number, 17 years since previous SB meeting.
    five hundred and eighty seven = 274
    Pats scored 274 points on Rams regular season

    Match #45 Cowboys scored point #274 for away teams (week 3)
    ... a few hours later Pats lost 26-10 (36) to the Lions, match #47
    ... accumulated 666 points total after this SNF match (week)
    ... accum. 2172 points total season (21 and 2 sevens, Brady 77)
    ... 2177 : Patriots Super Bowl loss equals 2177 Extended
    ... 2147: Patriots Super Bowl loss equals 2147 Jewish
    ... 2147: #12 lost match #47 after 274 accum points in match #45 (Brady 5-4 SB)
    ... 2147: (12) (74) (1) 274
    ... 1049: Patriots Super Bowl loss equals 1049 Jewish, SB #49

    1. Twist that 2147 the other way: (1)(24)(7), 2 fours and 7
      Super Bowl loss equals 1447 (Extended)

      Match #143 Pats lost 10-34 (44) to Titans, accum 447 points for that week
      143: Match #155, 341 points accum week. 7461 points accum season.
      Rams Super Bowl win equals 1947 (Extended)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Replies
    1. You people are too stupid and too blind that it's setup for the Patriots to win Superbowl 53

    2. Dumbass everyone can see the easy ass codes for the Patriots.

      If the Patriots somehow pull off the win I GUARANTEED already they win by no more than two points.
      If I am wrong my blog is done decoding sports.

      Rams win either way as long as you take the points.

      I definitely see enough for a Rams win.

  36. Australian Open = 166
    Nadal ATP final #117 lost to Djokovic
    Djokovic 28 Nadal 25 (53 matches)
    Rams wins, NFC 28 and AFC 25
    Nadal 11 French Open titles
    Pats 11 AFC Championships

  37. Match #222: Pats - Steelers 10-17 (accum points for the week: 544)
    Match #223: Eagles - Rams 30-23 (accum points: 597)
    Super Bowl win = 597 (s)
    4th win for Rams and 4th loss for Brady
    16.12.2018 = 46, 66 (49 days before SB)
    Goff #16 Brady #12
    16+12 = 28th NFC win

    1. My main man.
      How's life treating you brother.
      Hope all is well.

      Let's hope we make it through the Super Bowl

  38. You are all a bunch of uneducated dumb fucks on here (airheads)

  39. Please, please stop with the quit the blog stuff. There's no gematria sports forums or anything. It's just one fucking game.

    1. You can type in numbers for either team to win. That's why I sit back and enjoy game. I think game will be fairly close. Patriots could win by 4-6. Rams could win by 9-10. Depends who shows up and play.

  40. In reality either team can win. Forget numbers. Yes it's on here but doesn't mean anything. Either team can win!

    1. Well, no, that's incorrect logic statement since it's predetermined. They already know who is winning. And the Rams are the least likely in both coding and real world narrative

  41. Opening night...before Patriots get introduced as front is Brady..with him is Gronkowski and Edelman, Gronk is 87 ,Edelman is 11, 87= 15..,51 +11 is 5111 or LIII ..and before 5he went down as a team..they had resist pink light only on Bradys face.

  42. Bradys nfl net. Interview on opening night, started at 5:49, 8:49 est.. when the interview announcer said, that was a really interesting 8 minutes..he called the bottle he was carrying- the edge-

    The edge= 54,36,135,27..
    Edge= 21,21,87,15....does Gronk have an mvp night? #87 ..

  43. Mystery Gambler who won $ 10 million at the Super Bowl last year, places a $ 1.5 million bet on Rams

  44. Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

    Watch Patriots vs Rams Super Bowl 2019 Live Stream

  45. Hey Sir
    i want to help
    can you help me how to i am get traffic to my blog.

  46. Hey Tomas Stovall how did that OKC pick work out for you your a clown delete your blog you making yourself look stupid

  47. Take down your blog Tomas Stovall you fucking clown you lost big your sorry ass Rams pick didn't even cover take your blog Down you bum you Patriots hater


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