NBA 1/3

 Portland Trailblazers 
 Golden State Warriors 

Quick Breakdown:

My fault on the first game loss. 
Warriors/Blazers back2back game Got me point blank and I was not aware of back2back games in the NBA

If you lost on the first game you will get it back plus some on the second and if you didn't bet the first bet this game 🔐 

Twin Coding here... 

Pick: Golden State Warriors (ML) 💰 

NBA 2021 Record 0-1


  1. Replies
    1. I will eventually reveal what twin coding is.
      This should be an easy +175 almost double the bet here.

  2. Has there always been back to back games in the NBA season?

    1. Rockets beat Kings back to back so idk about that bro

  3. Hope everyone got paid this game and if you lost on my first pick I really hope this got you back to positive money.

    NBA Record 1-1 (+.75)

  4. What about when Magic beat Wizards back2back? I feel like that theory may not be strong enough to go off of...Care to explain?

    1. That was not why I picked them it was nothing to do with back to back games. Honestly some coding I can not give out because once everyone is using it then codes become deactivated


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