NFL Week 10 ~ MNF ~ Giants/49ers Breakdown

(275) New York Giants 
(276) San Francisco 49ers 


Odds come in at ~
[275] N.Y. Giants
[276] S.F.  49ers  (-3 )
[276] is the (23rd) triangular number 
Eli gets win (23) in November 
(23rd) prime number is  [83]
Jed York  (S.F. owner) gets all time loss (83) the [23rd] triangular number 
Eli Manning goes from win (83) verse the NFC to [84]
{84/48} [84] backwards is [48]
[48th] prime number is  (223)
Eli Manning on regular season start  (223) the [48th] prime {48/84}
Eli wins his record in November is 22-33 
Eli on regular season start  (223)

Giants are (1-7) Win  (2-7) Loss (1-8)
49ers are (2-7) Win (3-7) Loss (2-8)

Giants  (688-592-33) [712-617]
49ers  (568-481-16) [599-502]
{ 49ers can get all time franchise win playoffs included of  (600) }

Series is tied all time  (20-20)
Right playoff games split
Regular season series record tied (16-16)
Series in S.F. 49ers lead (12-9)
N.Y. wins the series in S.F. is (12-10) [121] Eli Manning can get all time win [121]
Last game including the end date is 1 year 1 day apart (11)
Eli can get his (11th) MNF win [11]
New York is the (11th) State
In the (11th)  month ~ November  [11]
(11th) prime number is  [31]
Eli Manning birthday is 3/1/81 (31)
(31) is the [11th] prime number  [11]
Mullen with a loss becomes (1-1) all time, at home, In November and in Late Games he will become  (1-1) [11]
Not including the end date the last series game was 11/12/17 exactly  (1) year ago.
Mullen gets his (1st) loss all time, at home, verse the NFC and (1st) Monday Night Football loss [1]

Shumur all time record is (11-30) [113]
Eli on home start  (113)
Eli can get win (113)
(113) is the  [30th] prime number [30]
Eli gets his (30th) Late game win [30]

Eli wins he remains at (53) regular season losses as the 49ers get all time franchise loss playoffs included of 503 (53) is the [16th] prime number [16]
Date Numerology of  [16]

Mara (N.Y. owner) can get all time win (120) & regular season win (112)
Eli goes from win (112) to 113
{120 (12) 112 (12) ~ Twelve  (12)
Last series game was exactly  (12) months ago.
Last series game was 11/12 (112) [12]

Shumur (N.Y. coach) with a win all time will be (12-30) [123]
Mullen birthday 3/21 backwards is  [123]
Shanahan  (S.F. coach) is (8-17)
With a loss will be (8-18)
Series in S.F. regular season is tied (8-8)
N.Y. win the series will be (8-9)
Shanahan  (8-18) {8-(1+8)=9 match (8-9)
Giants get franchise win (689) [89]

Eli can get all time win (121)
Last series game was 12 months 1 day ago (121) including game day.
[121/112] (121) the {11th} Square root
More matches for [11]
Shumur goes from win 11 to (12)
N.Y. win series in S.F. is (12-10) [121]

Shanahan can get loss (18)
(18th) prime number is  [61]
Date Numerology of  [61]
Eli can get all time road Win of [61]

Giants win they become 2-7 (27)
(27th) prime number is 103 (13)
49ers Go from (2-7) [27] to (2-8) with a L
27th prime number is 103 (13)
Eli birthday is 1/3 (13)
(13th) prime is  [41]
Date Numerology of  [41]
A few more 49ers codes:

#10 Manning  -vs-  #4 Mullens ~ (104)
(104th) prime number is  [569]
49ers next franchise win is [596]
Both coaches born on the (14th) {104/14}

[49] days left in the year
49ers play on MNF  [49]

Eli birthday is 1/3/81 (13)
S.F. can get home series win (13)
(13th) prime number is  [41]
[41] date numerology 
[41st] all time series game
[41] is the (13th) prime number (13)

If San Francisco wins they will lead the series at home all time (13-9) [139]
[139] is the (34th) prime number  (34)
Date Numerology of  (34)

Double Codes like Every game but I feel I pinned down the winner of this game.

Pick: New York Giants  (+3 ) 
{75 to 80%} on this Game.

New Information brings the Play to (85%) Trust-worthy ✔


  1. Here is a Breakdown
    For MNF week (10)
    Giants/49ers ~ (MNF)

    Get At me....

    1. The more numbers to get presented (deeper down the rabbit hole)
      The game becomes easier to pick.

      Giants win 88%

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Before game, the guys voted 3-2 that Niners win...I'd say that means 223 Giants

  4. Hey , Scareface, 1983, Tony Montana goes to Miami...1985, Joe Montana beats Dolphins

  5. Well, 2 min. Left and SF is up 23-20, looks like it's over


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