NHL Finals Game Six ~

St. Louis Blues 
Boston Bruins 


151st Belmont Stakes was yesterday 
This is the (151)st series game played today between the Bruins/Blues 
St. Louis Blues loss post season record this year goes to 15-10 ~ (151)

Boston Bruins franchise post season record is 320-323 
With a win they remain at (323) losses 
Boston Bruins get all time franchise home win 2033 {323/233}

Game Six = (39) RFR 
Binnington remains at (39) wins with a loss ~ (39)

Cassidy (Boston) next win with the Bruins is 139
139 is the (34th) prime number 
Today date numerology of  (34)
Game Six = [39] RFR 
Cassidy gets win 139 [39]

Boston wins there post season record at home this season is 8-5 [85]
Boston = [85] English Ordinal 
Boston wins today gets series win (77)
Boston = (77) Reverse Ordinal 

Game Seven = (44) RFR 
This is the eighth time these two are playing this year 
With a Boston win the series is 4-4 (44)
Boston Bruins record in Finals games is
Bruins can get there (37)th win in the Finals today and head to game seven with (37) wins in Finals games as a franchise ~ (37)
Game Seven = (37) FR 
Game Seven will have date numerology of  (37) also
The Bruins win there  post season record this season is 14-8
If Boston was to win game seven there post season record this year would end
16-8 [168]
Boston Bruins = [168] English Ordinal 

Expect there to be a game 7 ~
I like the Bruins alot today ~

Pick: Boston Bruins 💰💰💰🔥


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