NBA - 5/19

Today 5/19 is Malcolm X day and his day of Death 

Denver Nuggets @ Minnesota Timberwolves 

Nuggets = 93 RO
Minnesota Timberwolves = 93 FR 
Malcolm X = 93
Born 5/19 died 2/21 9 months 3 days after his birthday (93)
Playing at the target center on °93rd coordinates (93)
Minnesota Minneapolis = 93 FR
Minneapolis Minnesota = 303 Reverse Ordinal (33)
Nuggets = 33 RFR
Nuggets next franchise post season loss is 137
137 is the (33)rd prime number 

Malcolm X = 30 FR
Nuggets = 30 FR
Denver Nuggets next loss to end the season is 30
Wolves = 30 RFR 
Wolves = 24 FR - 20(24)
Chiefs won in 20(24) and both teams mascot are wolves

Pick: Minnesota Timberwolves 

Indiana Pacers @ New York Knicks 

Knicks post season record is 200-203 (223)
Knicks win game seven with Win 201
Then Knicks will win game one or two of the Eastern Conference Finals 
against Boston in Massachusetts home of Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones = 202 and Knicks will pay Tribute to Skull and Bones by
Getting post season franchise win 202 in Massachusetts 

Pick: New York Knicks 


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