NFL week 13 - Arizona vs Minnesota

 Arizona Cardinals 
 Minnesota Vikings 


Cardinals season record is 6-5
Arizona Cardinals = 75 FR
Minnesota Vikings = 75 FR
New World Order = 75 FR
Arizona with a win becomes 7-5

Arizona will be 3-3 on the road this season with a loss
Minnesota Minneapolis = 303 Reverse Ordinal 

Vikings with a loss becomes 9-3 on the season 
Minnesota Minneapolis = 93 FR
The stadium is on the °93 W coordinates
Darnold (Min) becomes 9-3 as a Viking all time 

Vikings lose to become 4-2 on the season at home
Arizona = 42 RFR 

Arizona Cardinals next series win is 13
Week 13


Arizona Cardinals next all time loss is 819
819 is the 13th square pyramidal 
Week 13

This code for the Arizona Cardinals win is a set up.

Pick: Minnesota Vikings (-160) 💰 

Still SNF play tonight...

I read these games after I decode both teams because ALL games are double coded 💰 

You got your money already first play 
SNF play tonight yet.


  1. Will not share SNF after loss.
    Just this one, the first play win as promised

    1. Steelers was a lock too
      Had nobody in that package though so didn't write it out
      I will prove it this month 100% proof I had Steelers win though so hold me to that at the Patreon
      Upside Down Truth

      I'm not gloating either. Just trying to say what are you waiting for?

  2. So usually I gave you upsets here so of course the play has to be 49ers right, I mean I am not going to give out the Bills -300 plus you know that. I never really use the odds besides on Thanksgiving with the Lions so it has to be...
    Well don't guess because your wrong.

    Come sign up at the Patreon to find the answer aka winner.

  3. You don't have enough traffic to this website to try to market yourself. You're better off doing that on Zach's Patreon or starting a YouTube channel(make a rap song for the intro???)

    Steelers got 93rd all time vs AFC North while becoming 9-3

    I posted your link on my FB page (5000 friends) because everyone won't pay my $300 per season.

    Until you get your numbers up you should definitely still be posting a breakdown at least, new people might stumble on this site. Just saying

    1. I guess I can do that.
      Since nobody wants these blueprints for free money that have been here. Blows my Mind

    2. They just want the answers that's why I started charging. Can't blame them for that. But anything you do that you're good at, you shouldn't do for free... But you'll get it right

  4. South Korea KBL 🏀 12 2 24

    Seoul ... +8.5


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