I Pet Goat II ~ Deciphered



  1. wow... that's some very interesting shit..

    1. I been decoding I Pet Goat 2 since 2012 as well.
      The 2018 timeline is very interesting
      The 1-2-3 connection is always been interesting
      Release date:
      6/24/12 til
      12/30/18 (123)
      Is 6 years 6 months 6 days (666)
      I got alot of work myself but yes this was very interesting

    2. Great catch man, and thanks for sharing that link. I had heard about it, but I never knew how much symbolism was actually in it til now. What do you think of his assessment of something going down between 6/12-6/21, or specifically on 6/16?

    3. I don't know.
      I don't like calling dates but 2018 seems like it may be the right year.
      IMO time is past due.


    4. https://youtu.be/YVtnS-yH2H8

  2. well, i have a colonoscopy on the 22nd, so i'm not really in the mood for anything else being a problem


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