Super Bowl Decode (part 13)

I found two games that I have narrowed Super Bowl 52 down to after weeks and weeks of decoding.
Those two games I found the most codes to...
Note: There are old codes, set codes, new codes, fake codes and even misdirected codes, but those two games are as follows:

Pittsburgh Steelers 
Dallas Cowboys  


Indianapolis Colts  
New York Giants  

Like I said there are all different types of codes.
There are also several ways of decoding.
I did not use gematria at all on any of these two Super Bowl predictions right here.
To be honest I think some of the codes I seen for the Dallas/Pittsburgh Super Bowl are some of them codes set to misdirect the money.
I will make my final prediction soon and will unveil all my coding to back my theroy up.
Like I said I strongly believe that one of these two games will be Super Bowl 52.

Check this out quick...
Super Bowl 52 inverse is Super Bowl 25
The first Modern Super Bowl 1971 was Super Bowl (5)
So the Modern Super Bowl 25 is really Super Bowl 30
Five more from Super Bowl 25, (5)
So guess what Super Bowl 30 was, the modern inverse of 52
Pittsburgh Steelers -vs- Dallas Cowboys
(Modern Day Super Bowl 25)


  1. First of all Tomas, great job the last couple of weeks, digging into the "mysteries" of the next Super Bowl. Nice to have some of this documented, so we could go back and re-check the coding as the season progress and we learn more...

    I have just started myself to look into what the 98th NFL season could bring us, and thought I might drop in couple of interesting observations...

    To me, it seems like this upcoming season is coded through Pittsburgh and Green Bay. Normally this would lead me to not have this pairing in the Super Bowl, because we all know what happens when people wake up and starts to see all the massive coding and programming behind the heavy coded teams... One by one they will start betting on these teams, and in the end we will have a betting trap really...

    Still this is not a "normal" season at all, since both this upcoming World Series and Super Bowl is coded as the "last". So I will have this option open and try to keep a close watch on it to see how it all progress during the season.


    The coded Super Bowl 52/48 is Pittsburgh vs Green Bay. This means that it could be the actual SB, or more likely behind this massive coding the real SB contenders are hidden.

    This Super Bowl is coded as the last. This could mean that it is really the last super bowl played in the real world, or that the coding will reveal the last physical one (if it is played at a later point in time).

    By the way, the freemason jews consider WW3 on the battlefield as the last Super Bowl and World Series, not some stupid baseball or football match in the sport arenas. Important to keep this in mind. Also all professional sports is rituals for what is going on in the real world...

    So back to the numbers... (i need to split this comment up in several part)


    2. This "last" stuff is propaganda imo. This will not be the last Worls Series or Superbowl. Just some fear mongering and war propaganda from the "alternative" media owned and opperated by the gang.

    3. If its coded as the "last" does not necessarily mean it will be the last, this coding may have other purposes. Like you say, fear mongering could surely be one of them.

      Still we are heading for a "last world series" outside the sports arenas and outside the fake dream world created by the freemasons. In the real physical world.

      This Adam has been warned at least 2700 years ago will happen, and been told exactly how it will happen. The exact timing of events we do not know.

      Be not scared, be prepared

    4. I believe it's coded through both cities/teams to lose in their respective championship games...

  2. The foundation for decoding the 98th season is the number 7 and number 8:

    9+8= 17, a confirmation of 7
    1+7 = 8, 98 reduces to 8

    We have seen a few examples already how the number 7 are coded into events in the real world these days, the same applies to number 8.

    Philadelphia for prophecy now stands at 1172 regular season matches and starts the season in WASHINGTON, at 38/39 degrees North and 77 degrees West. Pittsburgh's season opener is their match #1177

    1173 and 555. Philadelphia stands at 555 regular season wins. The coordinates of MOSCOW is 55 N and 37 E. Green Bay stands at 730 wins and 37 ties.

    Philadelphia stands at 26 ties, Pittsburgh at 606 wins.

    Washington season opener is their match #1187

    So, a few basic calculations...

  3. 7 + 7 = 14
    8 + 8 = 16
    7 * 7 = 49
    8 * 8 = 64

    14 = END, 49 = END

    7 + 7 + 7 = 21
    8 + 8 + 8 = 24

    USA is 241 years old

    7 * 7 * 7 = 343
    8 * 8 * 8 = 512 (sb 52)
    343 + 512 = 855 (85)

    Ben Roetlisberger stands at 185 regular season matches, and ditto 20 playoff, 185 + 20 = 205

    Green Bay is at 44 North and 88 West, Pittsburgh at 40 North and 80 West (close to 80). Wisconsin 1848. Also three 4's for 343.

    7 * 7 * 7 * 7 = 2401
    8 * 8 * 8 * 8 = 4096

    The numerology representation off 4096 using binary, octal and hexadecimal is 1. There is only 1 tick left in this clockwork before something ends.

    The sum of divisors for 4069 is 8191.

    Just a few basic examples.

  4. These numbers can also be verified in a lot of way looking into other events and places. One example from the Wimbledon Tennis tournament:

    It started on Monday 3.7.2017.
    The favorite Roger Federer is born 8.8.1981.
    R=18 F=6
    RF has won 18 Tennis Grand Slam tournaments, 7 of these are from Wimbledon. Win this one an the stats are 19-8.
    He is born 13113 days before the tournament start, 4096 has 13 divisors
    He is born 18882720 minutes before the tournament start

    53,29632 minutes / 60 minutes equals 0,888272

    If I now use the tool Google Earth installed on my PC, and follow the trail from Green Bay and moving towards the East (the direction Minneapolis)...

    When I arrive in a small town called ROTHSCHILD and zoom in to the degrees 44o53'29.63 North and 89o37'08.06 West i arrive in a parking lot to the Rothscild Elementary School.

    They even arranged the cars on the lot, at least in the version I see, into in a pattern 6-1-9-9, and also the "sand dunes" part in the playing area for the children is 8-6. ROTSCHILD is clearly marked on the ground in front of the school.

    So, if someone tells you that no way that there are sinister forces working behind the scenes, arranging everything by the numbers, please show them this example also...

    1. typo... moving towards the West... sorry


    3. What you dig up on the Packers ???
      I connected Philly and K.C. to G.B./Favre
      Pittsburgh vs Green Bay I guess really could be a
      Possibility... I really see them using some type of
      Repeated Super Bowl
      Keep me posted.
      I got alot on the Colts/Giants trilogy

    4. Google Earth is a Great tool to decode

    5. Tomas, Gary Allan Anderson is the key...


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