NBA Playoffs Game Two - Pacers/Cavs - 4/18

Indiana Pacers 
Cleveland Cavaliers 


McMillan on start 170 (17)
Indiana can get franchise loss 2017 (17)
Pacers since joining the NBA can get franchise loss 1700 (17)

Indiana won game one with (98) points 
Cavs can get all time series win (98)

Cavs on franchise game 3890 (389)
389 is the (77th) prime number 
McMillan with a loss remains at 707 all time wins  (77)
Lue can get loss (89)
Final of game one (98-80)

Cavs can get franchise loss (2061)
Pacers can remain at  franchise loss (2016)

Pacers on franchise game (4141) (41)
41st prime number is  (13)
Cavs remain at (13) home losses with a win.


  1. Replies
    1. Good call Mikey. I think they got a lot of people’s bets off the Cavs and still kept Cavs a 7-9 point favorite. So Cavs have to cover or else Pacers will win game 2.

    2. U really be killing me so what if cavs win and don't cover then what lmao cavs only covered about 15x this whole year if you banking on cavs cover good luckkk in fact I'm dam near sure them hos don't cover

    3. JS if they don’t cover they will lose outright. Check the spread and what I am saying. 7-9 point spreads they either cover or lose outright 100% this playoffs.

    4. wrong. they didn’t cover and lost

    5. JS you were right Cavs won didn’t cover. Exempt from the rule. Nova was that way in the tourney. Now they are 2 point dogs at Indy?? WTF.

  2. Mikey nice to see you roll through. I knew we had are back and forths willing to put the past behind us right now.
    I know you are knowledgeable in the sports world so right now as long as you don't throw shot We start fresh.

  3. I can't seem to bet on this game because it is not over Pacers win the first 2 in Cleveland
    It don't matter so good Luck on the game.

    1. Don’t bet but who do you think wins?? It’s either Cavs bybmore than the spread or Pacers win...

  4. Replies
    1. Cavs win didn’t cover. Exempt from the rule the only time this playoffs 7-9 spread was covered and pacers lost. Interesting.


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