Decoding -D- Decode {DDD}

When decoding there are several different ways to decode the project at task. All decoding really is is hidden knowledge kept from the mass public. There are several different ways of decoding and I am going to list just a few different decodes out my arsenal. The top form of decode being used right now on Jew Tube is gematria. Gematria has several different ciphers that can be used to determine outcomes. Inside Gematria there are topics bouncing off different ciphers to pick up more information. The more ciphers used the further the rabbit hole can go. With gematria comes numerology where different numbers hold different meanings from definition to angel numers to even numbers as whole 1-9 such as life path numbers. All these numbers hold different beliefs and powers which leads to Astrology which is a whole Complete System itself using planets and stars alined with the moon and the Sun. Astrology is the decode I am just starting to get a grasp at learning more and more each day as I pursue its knowledge.The pyrimids and mayans hold alot of hidden untapped knowledge. That leads me to the mythology decoding. Mythological rituals are held through all our sporting events and television shows, commercials and most of all Movies with figures like Osiris, Isis, Seb and Horus. Movie Decoding is another huge part of programming and mind control tatics being used with evil majestic witchcraft and other demonic possession tatics being held through our media. Movies can tell you alot... They can use movies or series example Back to the Future has been predicting shit for 30 plus years from sporting events to false flags, elected officials and so so much more. These movies are telling stories that all are focusing on the same thing but so many different ways its unbelievable . *** When decoding NEWS it is important to know the difference between fake & coded news, for theres a big difference. Movie decoding alone you can see Alot. Premeditated programming is a weapon used on use time after time and its powers are one of my strongest methods of decoding.
When I started decoding it was with premeditated programming tatics through television and music. Music decoding is all with hearing. Nothing to do with seeing like television but with music decoding they attack the brain waves through sound. Sound alone can be used as a weapon and the use sound to the tee. Decoding sound can be heard at a consistent level when you wake up. Mainstream Music can get a person woke so sick that they never listen to it agian. That is the key to decoding mainstream music is to never listen to it agian. Thats why I made over 100 tracks about Trurh and my bars are coded with all sorts of knowledge. My lyrics tell more than one story and lyrically no man can match. Go decode my music on jewtube, all free. When you realize that the truth has been turned upside down you can see so much more, literally. Jonathan Kleck breaks down the upside truth in all sorts of different things from the pyramids to the entire Vatican. It is absolutely crazy seeing some of the upside down work at the Vatican. That alone should wake anyone up. Which leads me to bible decoding from bible codes to my favorite format revelations.
Regaurdless of your religious beliefs the Bible hols more power and hidden information than any book ever created. The Bible is another of my Favs to use for decoding especially Revelation. Ritualistic decoding is also important to know such as ritual deaths which ties in agian with Astrology. Symbols is a huge way of decoding for a symbol can tell alot. Symbols on symbols all over our planet so symbols is a must learn. Color decoding is an important piece to add to you decoding. Colors also all hold different definitions and powers/meanings. Colors and symbols are both important and colors is easy to learn. When decoding colors Shades of that color are important from light to dark. Ex. Red represents blood, war and pain. Light red or pink represent love, romance and passon as dark red is more rage, anger wrath. The color spectrum is very useful. There are also many different cults performing this practice so the methods all very some. Yet the end goal always comes back to the same point. NWO and the V age is in sight, so close they can touch it. Others ways of decoding I use are date decoding using the calendar from point A to B. Using numbers through days, weeks, months/years. Date duration is a great method to decode Just about anything. Using Google Earth to find images hidden from eagles view is another decoding method I use where if an incident happens and you look at that location from google maps there are several different images that can be shown. Check out the Gronxt. On youtube for a better look. Great Decoding. Our Implanted History can also tell us alot when used to decode a project. Our set history is been being used forever. 
The mind control tatics being used is the main point I want to attack. The public will do what the mass does. The 99% are all fooled is the first thing one must see to begin decoding because there are so many people easily controlled to follow the mass and changing that is my number one goal. Predicting Sporting events is something I enjoy doing but until the NFL season I think I am going to lay low. So I will be looking for something else to decode and until then I will keep at the sports. When I decode I decode D decode for my rabbit hole can not end so until next time...


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