MLB Game of the Day - 5/2 - Decoded

In San Deigo reported today there was a shooting in a San Deigo apartment building killing 1 and injuring 7 others, (17).
Doing research I came to the conclusion that the Padres play the Rockies on 5/2. San Deigo can get there 17th loss as Colorado can capture there 17th win of the year.

Colorado Rockies
San Diego Padres

Pick: Colorado Rockies   {Locked & Loaded}

San Diego


  1. Replies
    1. Wish I could help 50/50 slight edge to the home team.
      If I come across anything I'll let you know

  2. Today I like the Rays over the Marlins. [testing]

  3. This could turn out to be interesting... San Diego coordinates listed as 117 degrees longitude.

    Or more precisely the longitude by decimal is 117.1652 (52 being the 2nd of May, 16 w/l to 17 w/l)

    Maybe Colorado wins by a scoreline of 5 - 3, 353 being the 71st prime number...

  4. Today also has 17/24/44 date numerology - 5+2+2+0+1+7 = 17, 5+2+17= 24, 5+2+20+17 = 44.

    Rockies = 44
    24th prime = 89, 8+9 = 17

  5. Much respect capper and John B
    Your comments are directing me to see more and more

    1. Thank you. I'll try my best to help chime in.

    2. Thank you. Keep up the good work Tomas, and always keep in mind that you are tapping into something real big here... In the long run it is worth the sweat and tears, whether or not we get our daily sports predictions right.

  6. I am worried about this call with the timing of the event. It might of happened one day early which may mean they flipped the script. If it would of happened today I would not have a doubt in my mind. The fact it happened the other day now worries me a little.

    1. I am just saying this system is ran near perfect so the one day can mean so much more than one would think.

    2. MLB decoding is not "my thing" I have to admit. I have tried to do it on some occasions, but mostly not so successfully, sorry to say ;-)

      In MLB it seems to be more thinking of a series of games instead of one separate game by itself. When I do soccer or NFL decoding, at least I do not have to worry that the same teams are playing again tomorrow and maybe the next day also, if you get what I mean...

      I have taken a very deep breath now after the CL semi-final has finished in Madrid, and tried to look at the Colorado vs San Diego series again with "fresh eyes". Please be patient with me, and I will try to break down my thoughts in a couple of replies below...

    3. Tomas, I still thing your observation regarding the San Diego apartment building killing 1 and injuring 7 others, is very close to a guarantee that Padres will hit 17 losses and Rockies 17 wins, one time or another DURING THE UPCOMING 3 GAME SERIES.

      Longitude of San Diego hints at this happens later today, but...

      The number of the day is 24. Real Madrid just won their CL semi-final as expected, and landed on 244 total CL wins. The listed pitcher for Colorado, Tyler Chatwood, has a season record of 2 wins and 3 losses, matching his jersey number #32.

      If 24 still rules by the start of this MLB game later today, Tyler should get his 4th loss for the season recorded, and settle at a 2-4 season stat... This should also bring San Diego listed pitcher Trevor Cahill up to a 2 win and 2 loss stat for the season. 2-4 and 2-2 match very closely to 244, 424 and other variations of 24.

    4. Last but not least... If 36 has the highest rank among decoding keys during 2017, then we should take a closer look at game 3 of the series played on Thursday:

      Listed pitcher Rockies #31 Kyle Freeland
      Listed pitcher Padres #61 Luis Perdomo

      Ladies and gentlemen, this is our 36 coding for the series.

      If Padres wins later today, then I do believe that they also win tomorrow. Because with 2 wins Padres will enter the Thursday match with a season stat of 13 wins and 16 losses: 36.

      Ditto Rockies season stat would then be at 16 wins and 12 losses before the match-up. Rockies then wins at Thursday to leave the series with 17-12 stat (2017 = 36)

    5. ... or maybe I should shut up and leave MLB decoding to more experienced baseball cats out there :-)

  7. The number Six was shown alot today
    I just didn't have time


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