NFL Week (14) Cowboys/Giants - 12/10

Dallas Cowboys 
New York Giants 


Giants (686-582) - (710-607)
Cowboys  (499-373) - (533-400)

Game (112)
Regular season game (111)
Dallas leads (63-46-2)
Regular season  (63-45-2)
In N.Y. Cowboys lead (28-25-1)

Last series game (9-10-17) (91)
Note the (91)
(91) days ago -or- 13 weeks
91 is the (13)th triangular number 
Giants W/win (10-3) [13]
Last series game in N.Y. was 11 months 30 days  (span) [13]
The Giants won (10-3) [13]

Eli Manning is Back for his (223)rd all time game and (211)th regular season.
Dak with a loss is (19-11) [911] (N.Y.)
Giants can get all time franchise win (711) -or- Mara can remain at (117) all time wins with a Giants loss
Garrett on start (regular season) [117]
Eli B/D was 11 months 7 days ago  (117)
{117 Super Bowl LII} [117/LII]

Jerry Jones can get his all time loss (223)
-or- remain at (211) losses with a win for the regular season.
Dak has a B/D in a span from the game of 232 days  (232/223)
Eli can get his home loss of (48) the 223rd prime number (223) [48]

Eli Manning can get regular season win (111) in the (111)th regular season series game  (111)
111 factorization is (3×37) [337]
337 is octal of (223)
337 is prime of (68)
111th prime is (607)
Giants win keeps them at (607) all time franchise losses
Giants loss puts them at all time franchise loss 608 (68)
68 is hex of & in octal (104)
Dak can go (10-4) on the road [104]
Eli #10 & Dak #4 (104)
111 in DUO is 93
Manning with a win is (3-9) on season  {39/93} N.Y. = (39)
111th regular season series game 
111 = New York
111 is octal of (73)
Cowboys with a win stay at (373) franchise losses  (73)
(73)rd prime is [21]
Dak with a win is (20-10) [21]
Eli with a loss on the season  (2-10) [21]
(21/12) (12)th prime is 37 (37/73)
Garrett is on start (120) [12]
Date of this game (12/10) {21/12}
This is series game (112) including the one playoff game (112) {112/211}
(211) the N.Y. Giants with a loss are 
(2-11) [211]
Jerry Jones would remain at (211) losses
Eli Manning on regular season start (211)
211th prime is (47) Eli has (47) road L's
N.Y. Giants can get series win (47)
47th prime is (15)
Manning can get all time loss (105) [15]

The Cowboys can get Franchise win 500 (5) in week 14 {1+4=[5]
Eli can get all time home loss 50 [5]
This is series game (55) in New York [5]
Mara is on start (205) two five [55]
Jerry Jones can get all time win 250 - two five [55] as Garrett stays at 52 losses [55] two fives - Giants remain at (25) series wins at home in New York.

Giants are on game 1351 (135)
Prescott was pick (135)
Giants on regular season game 1302
Dak B/D in 231 days from game (132/231)

Mara can get his (100)th Loss in this game. (*****)

Prescott is on start (29)
His B/D is 7/(29)
He will have a regular season record of (20-9) with a win [29]
Cowboys can get series win (29) in N.Y.
All in New York the (11)th state (111/112) series game.

I got a little more work before finalizing my pick.

Pick: TBA


  1. Before I looked at this game I had Dallas running the table til at least (2/4/18) for several reasons. One of them...
    Jones with loss (223) pending but after seeing all this I need a second maybe even third look.

  2. I appreciate you breaking down this game to me it will be the game of the week. Division rivals and i expect eli n the giants to be on their game i really like the under just because giants can't score lol..sonny check in motherfukker!!! Lol we miss you on here like i said fuk the haters love your work bro C' mon man!!!


      You know I can't give any picks though

  3. I'm on the Dallas won't lose rest of regular season train

  4. rams,Seattle And Panthers lose then

  5. I dont think the Raiders win another game

  6. The seahawks just beat the eagles y are they the underdog against Jacksonville seems like a betting trap

  7. I think vikings still win...and kc and the,Raiders at least appear like they could both lose out after this week. So I don't know who wins this week.

  8. I actually think more people bet Jags..

  9. WEEK 14-6-6 Cowboys @ 2-10 Giants
    * Dallas leads series 63-46-2 (112)
    * This will be the 113th game between the teams. 113 = 30th prime.
    * Dallas won last game @ home on 9/10/17 19-3 (22)
    * This game was 91 days before the upcoming game.
    * This date also left 112 days left in the year.
    * Giants fall to 2-11 with loss. (211 = 47th Prime)
    * Giants would also get 47th series loss

    Dallas won last week 38-14 (52)
    Giants loss 24-17 (41, 13th prime)

    COWBOYS-58th Season
    * ATR- 533-400-6. This will be there 940th game
    * Cowboys could get 401st loss. (401=79th prime)
    * RSR- 499-373-6. This will be their 879th game.
    * With a they would stay on 373 losses (373 = 79th prime)

    JASON GARRET, BDAY-3/28/59.
    * ATR 65-54. This will be his 120th game.
    * Could get 66th win. 6+6=12.
    * RSR. 64-52. This will be his 117th game. As Sonny has stated 117 looks like LII (SB52)
    * The game is played 257 days since bday (257 = 55th prime). With a loss he could fall to 55 losses.
    * He would stay at 65 wins 56 days before SB
    * 108 days from game to his next Bday.

    DAK PRESCOTT, BDAY 7/29/93.
    * Record 19-10 (19-9 RS). This will be his 30th game (29th RS)
    * He could get his 10th loss in 29th start (29=10th prime)
    * Cowboys would fall to 6-7 (67 = 19th prime)
    * This game is 19 weeks 1 day since his Bday, (191 = 43rd prime)
    * This game is also 33 weeks til his bday.
    * The game will be played exactly 8900 days since he was board. (89 = 24th prime)
    * Dak is currently 24 years old
    -With a loss he falls Giants

    NEW YORK GIANTS 93rd NFL Season
    * ATR-710-607-33. This will be game # 1351.
    * RSR-686-582-33. This will be game # 1301. (131= 32nd prime)

    ELI MANNING, BDAY 1/31/81.
    * ATR-118-104. This will be his 223rd start. (223=48th prime)
    * RSR-110-100. This will be his 212th start.
    * This game is 313 days since his Bday. (313=65th Prime)
    * The game is also 52 days before his next Bday.
    -Eli is 13-13 against cowboys

    STEVE SPAGANO, BDAY 12/21/59.
    * ATR-10-38. This will be his 3
    49th game.
    * Could go to 10-39 with a loss (139 =34th prime) 39 big in NY
    * Bday is 11 days after game.

    0/U @ 41.5

    This game is double coded like many of them, but the 112/211 numbers seem to favor the Cowboys.

    1. Add on.

      From their first game to SB52 is 147 days, also is 21 weeks.

      Eli on the season record is 2-9 & has 14 TDs 7 ints.

      The date of upcoming games leaves 21 days left in the year.

      With loss drops to 2-10.

  10. The pentagram won't lose this game. When dallas only had 5 or 6 wins a year or 2 ago,they were playoff eligible till week 15 or 16. People must worship star lol

  11. I think aside from 3 or 4 games,most games go as expected by the common fan.

  12. Well, ok, so what about other games like Rams ,Steelers, seahawks,niners, jags,titans..
    I think panthers lose

  13. packers

  14. Double coded and I expect a classic here

    Pick: Dallas Cowboys

  15. Gg33December 8, 2017 at 5:20 PM

    dolphins,Bucs,Bears? thats interesting


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