Sonny the Liar

Sonny listen your secret sauce you so call gave me is what I told you to do months ago.
Sonny you are no better than anyone on here.
I let you do what you wanted on this blog.
Push your wack ass picks claiming you got so many right this week and that week blah blah blah but never showed us winners consistently, Never. Only a moron would pay for you picks when they can go anywhere online and get free decodes from hundreds of people.
Your Wack. 
Your 5 star picjks are wack, loss after loss.
My people use to tell me to drop you a long time ago.
Get your wackass outta here and go to your beat up system crap.
You run your big mouth about gematria all the time but secretly use it. Your fucking Wack.
No one wants your weak picks here.
Now you got you blog and want to talk shit like a bitch, get fucked and go find people that you want to hustle somewhere else.
Your done here trying to charge people for your garbage picks.
Sonny you will never be great at decoding because your not that smart.
Go make your money with your fake clients somewhere else.
There is not one person that will pay for your wack ass picks for over a month.
You are Garbage Bitch.
Stay off this blog because from here on out I am shutting your lieing ass garbage picks up everytime You post something.
You are garbage and have nothing to back you up BESIDES copying my shit.
Prove to these people you can get some picks right consistently before charging them for your flip a coin picks.
Keep my name out your mouth you lieing piece of shit.
I taught you so much and let you use this blog as much as you wanted and your going to come at me with your lieing fucking bullshit.
This fag makes fake accounts to back him up and call them his clients, fucking dork get lost 
Show us different and prove you can make picks without my Help.
Because I am done helping you.
I put this on my kids that Sonny took my style and added a few wack things and now calls it his own.
The Guys sucks and before you get hustled by his ass tell him to prove he can get some picks correct first somewhat consistent without ToMas help.
He can't 
Let that be known


  1. All my decoding is on this blog for free.
    I don't charge people for nothing like some liars.
    Nothing you can say hasn't been posted here for FREE.
    Sonny is done hustling people off this blog.
    He is no better than a quarter getting flipped and there is no proof anywhere to back his LIES up.
    Real Talk.

    Now back to business

    1. You get what you pay for, that's why your picks been trash, because they're free

  2. Tomas about time πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. You didn't give me nothing...

    How the hell somebody give you me a method and you still getting damn near half the games wrong....

    I could definitely post the emails, with you asking for help, "because something was wrong with YOUR codes"

    Told your bum ass stop trying to jump ahead weeks, you still doing it, still missing!!!

    Don't nobody give a fuck what your record was last year, this year your record trash.Period.


  4. I'm better than you, that's enough for me...

    Two days ago you just said you was charging...

    Obviously you put a code on here it's I said tighten it up,you making YOURSELF look bad

    Posted 5 picks yesterday


    You tired of losing your money, come eat with the King

    1. I will let you still say what you want because you only make yourself look even dumber.
      I never kicked anyone off my blog and you will not be the first.
      You will never be first at anything as a matter a fact πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

    2. I make myself look dumber, by getting my picks right and you getting your picks wrong???

      That makes no sense at all

  5. My apologies if I offended anybody because I usually don't lose my cool but this guy is something else.
    I did nothing but help this man and in return he trys and shit on me.
    I'm done with him and again I apologize for everyone that lost money because of this dude.
    I am sorry I let it go on as long as I did, my bad.
    It shows how certain people can be and it won't happen again.

    He is got his own blog now that you can go get his garbage picks
    But let it be known you will have to pay for them.
    I would share his website but I never bothered to try and remember it and on top of that he wanted me to pay him. LOL πŸ˜‚

    Free advice he is garbage without my help.
    The Proof will be on his blog... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ–•

    1. You didn't help me with NOTHING...I NEVER used anything you sent me, lol

      Took your style...

      I keep telling you Trump,The Pope,etc...have NOTHING to do with sports

      Your whole method is basic as hell

  6. ToMas you HAVE NEVER HELPED ME....

    Your idea of a code is last game Wentz had 5 ruehes for 77 yards

    With a win they stay on 577 losses.... that's trash

    We haven't spoken in weeks, like I said 5-0 last night alone

    The people that have been following your blog, they know what's up

    1. Exactly that your a liar that never shows us shit.
      5 in a row last night... hahaha
      You mean (5) like my 5th age coding you use that I brought to light.
      Get the fuck outta here your a waste of life

    2. The 5 picks from last night are on my blog that you obviously read because I just posted my Super Bowl pick yesterday

      Alone with the 5 picks

      Like I told EVERYTIME you emailed me, I wanna see fo good, so you can keep copying MY work

      Last night game was so easy,lol

    3. I never been to your blog and never will go to your blog.
      Your Super Bowl pick????
      Which one because you have about 15 different predictions on my blog alone.
      Do I have to pull them up to Prove it?
      Or wait did you all ready delete it like a little bitch.
      We all know you delete your wrong picks all the time. Again proof is right here at Upside down truth.

  7. :( I honestly didn't see this coming. Sheesh

    1. Ram me either I let him us this blog like his own and he is just decides to keep shitting on me.
      I got love for all you guys no matter what coding system you use. Even those who don't decode I show love. Everyone here knows that.
      On the otherhand Sonny wants to talk shit about certian coding systems and claim he is a King and will get 16 of 16 next week, every fucking week.
      The guys a dreamer but he is done disrespecting peoples codes on here without getting put in Check.
      My Family created the Gematrianator so I am done letting this loser disrespect our hard work.


    ToMas your an amateur, yes I charge amateurs...and people that just sports bet

    1. You have nothing in black & white to back up anything you say.
      When it comes to picking picks that count I don't miss and you know it.
      Like I said my Locks are in black & white right here.
      Where are yours?
      In lala land inside your crazy delusional head because none of us seen shit you did with out my help on my blog.
      You got nothing to back up your lies. Like your 5 right last night.
      I can go to last nights games and pull up codes for all the winners to and claim I got them right.
      The thing is I am not a liar like you.
      Get some work in black and white before you run your lies to me.
      I am not no dumb ass kid you can take advantage of like your fake clients on your stupid blog.
      Shut the fuck up before I ruin your blog for good and put out more facts I got stored away.
      Stop why your ahead Sonny

    2. You had the Saints last night

      Utah +6.5 last night

      Both misses

      I know why your upset

      A couple of weeks ago ToMas emailed me asking for free picks,"I down to my last in my account, help me out, as long as we stick together I'm good, forget everybody else on the blog"....I paraphrased but that was the gist,lol

      I gave him Baltimore, Houston,Miami

      Miami loss... he's been in his feelings since then,lol

      ToMas my picks were posted early yesterday, what are you talking about, after the game,lol

      They had been on there ALL day.... I'm about to post my picks for tonight...

      Don't worry tomorrow I'll print the emails and out them on my YouTube channel...

      Then we'll see who is asking who for help,lol

    3. Oh and unlike you I stand behind ALL my work...I think ALL my picks are locks,lol

      You said on average for the week you are 10-6...

      I know a little old woman that picks games outta of hat, that beats that EVERY week...

      But like I said, if y'all wanna eat with the King I'm at

      YouTube channel Sonny Little "The System"

      Let's get some money, buy ToMas locks because these free picks, are trash

    4. First of all I had Atlanta last night after all was said and done
      With the comment of me saying I average 10 a week this year doing every game out of 14 games is the truth
      I have good weeks
      I have bad weeks but it is all written
      I don't lie and say I got 16 of 16 like you
      Note the title
      Sonny the liar
      Go back to your blog with your clients which are you yourself and Sonny

    5. Your last post said NO...I screenshot the post, I'll just print everything off tomorrow,lol

      The goal is 16/16

      Last week 14-2...learn how to read before you try to decode...

      I just posted my picks it's 2:47 Las Vegas time...

      You can't ruin picks is all the truth they need

      Like I said look out for a video tomorrow with ToMas emails asking for my help.

  9. Wise call, Tomas... Wise call...

    1. TBH, I think sonnys picks are pretty good. I was annoyed at first when he came on here selling picks, but I will say they are much better than most. Most of you guys pick favorotes a lot,I could have picked Steelers and Patriots to win every game this year and be 20-4, not too shabby, but ATS is all that matters, and I know they are not 20-4 ATS. He has picked some good dogs...and I love dogs, Dogs are where the money is, not favorites. This week is a good week to test who is legit, as only the Patriots are big favorites and all others are virtual pick-ems. I'm no paid shill, just a guy thats been following Zacks blog for the past 2 years, and now this blog and some others, I dont offer/share as I really dont have the time for that, but find this interesting and useful. It wasnt sports betting that brought me here initially, it was Zachs gemotria/'Conspiracy' shit moreso. i'm not here to dis anyone, as I wouldnt be here if I thought u were all fuckoffs, just sayin, his posted picks before games played are good, sure he has losses, but i see more wins, and even going 2-2 on your picks could be profitable, when u pick dogs..I dont know the guy

  10. Delete picks???.... I'm not Kris Woods

    My Super Bowl pick is on my blog....

    Just dropped another video, printed emails tomorrow.Lol

    Make fake accounts,lol

    Holla if you want some winners

    We chasing greatness, you'll be mediocre if you base your picks off this blog

    1. Con Artist??? I'm not Sonny Little

    2. Call me what you want, as long as my picks are right

      You screenshot my Super Bowl prediction and asked if it was RFG,lol....

      Glad y'all fans

    3. Panthers not making the super bowl sonny. Get back to doing research. No hate just being realistic.

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚superbowl prediction will fail you

    5. BigL that's my pick.... I'm confident in my more time researching the Super Bowl I have my game

    6. I get you but panthers make no sense to me. Sae that you had indiana today, good pick

    7. Unknown you my dude, like your personality, I may release another game Sunday morning

    8. BigL I put my reason why I believe it will happen.

      Has anybody in the decode world stop to think that maybe, just maybe Pittsburgh is this year's Minnesota??

      That clock in London won't "ring" for another 4 years???

      I think they setting everybody up, or I would have stuck with Philly/Pittsburgh.

      Sidenote on basketball

      Charlotte loss the last game 101-87

      After the Bulls win Hoiberg new record will be 87-101

      See it's that easy...

      Oh and thanks BigL

    9. Sonny little has been on a roll. Literally called pacers to beat Cavs. Sonny doesn't delete picks either.. like Kris woods lol. So if you don't want cash don't follow sonny.

    10. Thanks Ken Lee...

      I have faith they'll get it together....

  11. SMH!!!!!!! pathetic as hell

  12. Fishy things going on up there

  13. Replies
    1. Good call on the bulls today sonny. Very impressive

  14. Glad u finally saw through the hustle Tomas! I knew this clown was a piece of garbage months ago. Erasing comments, knocking on gematria, lying like a rug! Now he claims he wants to team up with someone proficient in gematria! Get the fuck outta dodge sonny!!

    1. Wisedan smh??

      Where are y'all getting this erasing comments from,lol


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