NBA Daily Thread - 1/22

Philadelphia 76ers 
Memphis Grizzlies'


The Philadelphia 76ers 
Since Philadelphia 76ers  (2200-2215)
Could get win (2201) on [22/1]
With a loss there record on the year will be (22-21) [22/1] ... Just like the series 

They can also get loss (2216) as the Philadelphia 76ers  (216)
Browns B/D is (2/16) [216]
There last series game was also in (2016) the date (12/6) [216]

Brown was hired as the as the 76ers HC in 2013 the date (14/8)
With a Memphis win they remain at (1048) franchise losses (148)

Series is tied (21-21)
So either way it will be (21-22) [1/22]
(22-21) Just like the 76ers record with a loss, All on (22/1 -or- 1/22)

Eagles just made it to Super Bowl  (52) in the (98)th NFL season.

Bickerstaff is on his (98)th start and can get loss (52)
Brown (Philadelphia) can get win (98)

There are 129 days til the NBA Finals 
129 is a (777) number 
76ers can get Franchise win (2777) [777]

No Free Pick today. 
(1/22) Today is my Birthday.

Extraordinary - by GO-AT

^^^ copy/past/listen ^^^


  1. This is the thing I realized
    When I keep picks off the blog I win about 90% of the time.
    My daily pick is never my top pick.

    1. Tomas why haven't you emailed me u know I'm trying 2 send u money right
      Goodgreen23@gmail. Com

  2. I would just about bet the house Philly wins I live the fact they loss 2 them last

    1. I don't know about all that.
      Hope you got a second house.

      You need a plan for betting.
      The house always wins.
      Need a plan to keep your money in check.
      Philly may win but they might lose.
      Not worth the house brother

  3. Happy Birthday Tomas! Mine was on the 19th.

    It’s nba pick em time 😊

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cheers Tom..happy bday!!!
    Enjoy your day brother..

  6. Happy Birthday dude

    Enjoy your day turn tf up

  7. Happy birthday champ . But just a head ups the last time they played was 2/5/2016 thought I help you out on that since it’s your Birthday.

  8. Also a Span of 52 days from today to Browns bday .
    Philly just got invited to super bowl 52 last night .

  9. 2/5/2016 was the last time they played .
    There’s 25 days till the head coach birthday . Eagles just got invited to super 52 .

    Philly record as of now is 22-20
    (7th in there conference ) 2+2+2+7 = 13 . Memphis is 13th in there conference . From today to the date of the super bowl is 13 days . Memphis record is 16-29 . . 29-16 = 13 ..


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