MLB World Series - Astros @ Dodgers - Game 2

Houston Astros 
Los Angeles Dodgers 


Double coded like Always but again I will put the codes out for the team I feel hold the better codes to get a win gane two.

Since Verlander B/D it has been 8 months 5 days (85) 
Astros win there post season record will be (8-5) on the year. [85/58] {58}

Houston with a win will make the series playoff record  (3-4) [34]
34th Fibonacci number is (9)
Hill has a 9.0 IP this post season  (9)
Pitchers #35 J.V & #44 Hill
(44-35={9} -  (9)
Dodgers with a loss will get there (90)th all time playoff loss (90) is (9)

666 coding...
Verlander has 136 strike outs career post season  (36)
His season E.R.A. was 3.36 (36)
Hill has a post season whip of (1.11)
111 = (666)
Hill post season career E.R.A (3.96){666}
Hill can get his all time loss of (39) [39/36] [36]
Astros with a win will have a (666) in there record on the whole season at (109-66) {966=[666]

Hills B/D is 3/11 and L.A. can get there (113)th win on the season 
Hill was also drafted the (112)th overall pmioick in 2002 playing to keep the Dodgers at (112) wins on the season 

112 or (11×2=(22)
Continued  (22) coding...

(777) Coding...

Hill is (37) years old
Hills nick name is Brice which = (37)
Last series played by these 2 franchises ended (2-1) [21]
21st prime is (73) {777}
Dodgers with a loss stay at (73) playoff wins with record of (73-90) after a loss
Verlander was 1st round pick #2 (12)
12th prime is (37) {777}
Hill with a loss is (12-9) [129]
129 has factorization is (3×43) (343=777)
129th prime is (727) (7two7)'s {777}
Verlander all time record with a win is (120-119) [129] looped

Houston can get win 328 all time in the series  (28)
Dodgers with a loss go (8-2) in the post season this year (82/28) [28]
Since Hills B/D (228) days [28]

Verlander can go (5-0) in the post season this year with a win (50) [5]
[5]th age coding
(50) sum of (93) {93/39} [39]
Hill gets career loss (39) playoffs included 
JV is Verlanders nick name
JV = 5,13,22,32
5 for (5-0)
13 for Hill after loss (1-3) post season career 
22 for L.A. stuck at (112) {11×2={22}
32 for the Astros  (32) post season win all time 

Dodgers with a loss will have a playoff record of (73-90) [739]
739th prime is (131)
131 = Championship 
Hill will have a post season career record of (1-3) with a loss [13]
(131) is a (13) forward and backwards 

Astros go from (31) to 32
Hill goes to (1-3) post season career  (13)
Series gets tied at (1-1) [11]
11th prime is (31) {31/13}

There is the (22) coding for a Dodgers win but like I said the (22) can keep them at (112)
Also the odds dropping point to an Astros win tonight 

I will be placing a small wager on Houston most likely because this is way tougher than game one was to decipher 

Pick: No Pick

There is a sick (91) code along with the new article about the (91) year old.
New codes 
Along with the 22 code and the Dodgers winning in game 6 with win (223)
For that to Happen they have to win tonight.
Even though it could happen in 7 with a loss tonight but game 6 0n Halloween 10/31 (131) hitting the (223) is to much to pass on tonight.

Pick now Dodgers


  1. Double coding is crazy...but I have Dodgers winning, great work though

    Although the final score last ending 3-1 could point to the Rich Hill falling to 1-3 in the postseason

    You had the 8-2 if the Dodgers lose, but if they win they'll be 9-1 and Verlander will fall to 9-1 since joining the Astros...

    1-9 could be 16 also

    The Astros are 0-5 in WS games

    But the 31 could be Astros staying at 31 wins all time in postseason

    Dodgers getting win 113 with the pitcher bday being 3/11 is also too good to pass up....

    That's great work though ToMas

    1. Thx.
      Yes very double coded.
      The one edge is I believe the Astros win the series so going down (0-2) would mean Houston needs the next 3 and in the future script looks like Astros win tonight.

    2. Houston win 4 game after this loss

    3. That's my prediction that Houston wins 4 in a row

    4. I think they both win one away game and it goes to seven.
      That is my prediction.
      For the Astros to win and the Astros being basically even this game I just think they got this game.
      They like to payout the least amount possible so Houston has to be the play tonight.
      Not confident enough to place nothing but a small wager though unless something catches the eye

    5. The article on ESPN about the person that hasn't been to a game in 91 years...Rich Hill .1(76) era..

      ToMas they don't worry about the payouts

  2. I like dodgers to get 113th win. The lose all 4 game so they stay at 113th win for the 113th World Series

    1. I like that (113) staying at but the 113 will not come today.
      The Hill B/D is way to ez of a code. Astros win

    2. How will it play out? I assume Astro win in game6

  3. dodgers won 1-3 last night. verlander will be 1-3 in the world series. astros takes it tonight. era 1.61 last 11 postseason games looks damn good.

    1. You mean Hill will be 1-3
      Verlander 5-0
      5th age shit...

    2. Also is Hill wins then his record this year will be 16-10

      Verlander will be 1-3 in WS though

    3. Sonny - Where do you get Hill's record at 15-10? I have him at 12-8. I think you added last years record.

    4. Baseball reference his game log... including playoffs he is 15-10...

      Let me double check

    5. He's 0-0 in the playoffs. 2016 record added would make him 15-10..

    6. I mean't 0-0 this years playoffs. 1-2 overall

    7. Yea I just looked at again, I know it was 15-10 something,lol

  4. This could be the game changer..

    Dodgers with win 9-1
    Route 91, 59 dead. Dodgers 59 losses.
    He'll be 103, game 1 temp and 3-1 victory...

    1. Astro is a good bet tonight then?

    2. No that says Dodgers win

      Verlander will be 9-1 after tonight and 15-9 on the season

      And just noticed the Verlander has won 7 in a row

    3. Nice Find.
      That makes me a little worried.
      He does say it has been (29) years in the article and (29) can mean Verlander stays at (199) wins two nines (29) or it could mean Verlander wins and his record is (200-119) (29) drop the zeros and ones.
      One other thing he said is he took his son to the last series game blah blah whatever he said but ended the quote saying that was 1966 right?
      (1966) can be the Astros record after a win (109-66)
      Drop the zero (1966) [109-66]

      Nice find though.
      9-1 L.A.
      Verlander stays at (119) losses backwards (91)
      103 fits both pitchers at (1-3)

  5. The odds here in Vegas are
    Astros -116 like Verlander era
    Dodgers +106

    Looking good for the Dodgers now

  6. This is the 366th series game played at the Dodgers home Field.
    Dodgers can get all time series win 396
    I am probably not betting way to double coded for me.

  7. Plus,yesterday was the anniversary of Robinsons death..probably a Dodgers home game win factor

  8. we can't come to an agreement. i should have waited but i placed my bet on astros this morning. if you haven't placed a bet... FADE THIS GAME!!!

  9. 366th series game in L.A.
    Til Verlander B/D is 16 weeks 6 days (166)
    Astros can stay at (66) losses on the year with a win.
    6+6=(12) Verlander 12th win
    6×6=(36) [36/39] {39}
    Hill next all time loss (39)

    The (22) coding favors a Dodgers win
    Either way Verlander wins this he losses the next or vice versa to put him at (200-120) (22)

    1. AJ Hinch GDay to Bday - 202 days, Hill with win PS record 2-2

  10. Hill can get all time win (52)
    Playoff series all time for this series with L.A. win is (5-2) (52)
    Anymore (52) or (25) codes?

  11. L.A. can get win (222) tonight to add to the (22) codes
    222 in L.A. series
    Then they will have to hit (223)
    They will win the series with the (223)rd win in L.A. if they do.
    Starting to lean to L.A. this game

  12. Houston post season record is (31-43) with a loss (31-44)[144]
    Astros are sitting at (144) series wins in L.A.
    Starting to like the Dodgers more and more.

  13. Looking at the (91) I strongly believe the Dodgers win tonight.
    I am now going with the Dodgers

  14. Dodgers win, I posted on another thread for this game without realizing it lol. Anyway my prediction is a 5-1 or 4-2 win. Today’s date is 72/18 and we should all know that sometimes they used inversions of the codes to try and fool us which is why I’m leaning with the scores I listed because both added equal 6 and 6 inverted is 9. 72/18 both equal 9. The 2 in 72 inverted is 75 which is 12 and 12 is 3, the 3 can mean that dodgers win by 3 tonight and also that for the third straight series this postseason they win the first two games.

    Dodgers by 3-4 Runs is at +550 I out $75 on it but also went
    LAD ML/Under

    The 4-2 result is only because it could be a tribute to Robinson.

  15. Dodger Stadium = 59/76 - Dodgers 59 losses, Astros loss PS record 7-6, Rich Hill = 76
    Rich Hill can get overall win 52 vs the Flood team, Rich Hill = 52
    Rich Hill born 3/11 or 11/3, 113th Dodger victory, 3+11+19+80 = 113

    Dodgers can get 63rd win at home, 63rd prime = 307
    12th prime = 37. Verlanders 37th 17' start. Verlanders 120th overall loss.

    Astros 54-33 Away this year. 34th loss, Verlander Age 34
    Astros 31-43 PS record. Game 1 score 3-1, Hill #44. Game Two = 31

    Hill can get 17' win #13. Thirteen = 45/54, Astros PS runs 45, 9th Triangular = 45, 9th Overall loss for Verlander, Astros Away wins 54.
    67 Days remaining in the year, 67th Astros loss.
    Astros 67th loss, 19th prime = 67 - Verlander 19 wins in 17'

    Verlander - 17' PS record 4-0, With loss 4-1, 13th prime = 41, Hill's 13th win.
    Verlander - 6th post season loss, 6th prime = 13
    Verlander - 17' Overall 19-8. Can match his overall win total with a loss 19-9 (199) Thirteen = 99, Verlander = 99

    AJ Hinch Bday to Gday - 163 days. 38th prime = 163, Hill 38 losses.
    AJ Hinch Bday to Gday Span - 23 Weeks 3 Days, 13th Fibonacci = 233, Hill 13th win.
    AJ Hinch GDay to Bday - 202 days, Hill with win PS record 2-2

    Dave Roberts Gday to Bday - 7 months 6 days - Astros with loss 17' PS record 7-6, Game Two = 76
    Dave Roberts GDday to Bday - 31 Weeks 1 Day, 113th Dodger victory.

    Article about a man turning 103 years old, returns to the WS 91 years later.
    Vegas Shooting Route 91, 59 dead, Dodgers can go 9-1 on 59 losses, Verlander 9-1
    13th Triangular = 91.

    Wednesday = 37/44/46/99

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say Dodgers win 1-0 w/ an Utley Homerun.

    1. Paul Nauert Umpire.
      Jersey #96 - Total combined runs for both teams in this post season 96
      This will be his 31st Game officiated, Game 1 3-1.
      Home Team W/L when he is the Ump 21-9. Could be 22-9, Rich Hill Bday to Gday - Span of 229 days
      Home Avg Margin 1.47 (lol)

  16. Reading stuff here and there...seems to be stuff that keeps saying 34, or 3-4, 43..variations. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dodgers won 3 and then lose the next 4, since they make a habit of it now

  17. Let go Dodgers!! Then Astro in the rest of the 4 games

  18. I wonder a cross really means,since these guys are wearing them and you know they aren't Christian

  19. I disagree with Astros winning 4 in a row. Dodgers will win this either a sweep or in 6.

    1. "16" the number... it's the reason Dodgers won game 1 and about to win game 2

      Dodgers 6 WAS
      Houston gets their first

      But we shall see

  20. Stupid dodgers. Who care. Move on. Game3

    1. who cares? i do. had i not placed my bet in the morning, i would have gone with everyone else leaning on dodgers. verlander is now 0-3-1 in the world series. he will finish this series with a win to go 1-3-1 game 6 foreshadowing jim leyland ending his wbc win in dodger stadium.,amp.html

      131 = championship


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