NFL Week 7 - Titans @ Browns - 10/22

Tennessee Titans 
Cleveland Browns 


Cleveland leads the series  (35-30)
W/ one playoff game series  (35-29)
Series is Tied in Cleveland  (16-16)
W/ one playoff game Browns lead (16-15)

Last series game was (10/16/16)
Browns won (28-26)
(28-26) {86/89} [89]
Mariota away record W/win (8-9) [89]
(89/98) [98] Titans playing game (908)

Last game was (53) weeks ago {53/35}
Browns lose stay at (35) series wins
Cleveland on all time game 1035 (35)
Kizer record is (0-5) home (0-3) [53]

Hue Jackson is on his (39)th start (39/93)
With a loss his record  (9-30) [93]
Three 9's (nines)
This is Clevelands (999)th regular season game (999) -or- (93)
Hue Jackson will also be (1-22) as Clevelands HC  (122) on 10/22 (122)

Tennessee Titans get series win (31)
Mularkey gets his (31)st win (31)

Mariota with a win is (15-18) [58]
Titans scored (580) points in Cleveland  [58]

Series (regular season) with Titans win (35-30) [353]
353 is the (71)st prime number 
Titans stay at all time franchise loss (471) [71]

Pick: Tennessee Titans 


  1. A quote from.a fan on a fan forum of a nfl tweet...Adam the Bull




    It's been 296 days since a Browns win. It's been 736 days since a Browns road win. It's been 1058 days since Browns won on road not in OT.

    Edited Monday at 11:29 AM by El ramste..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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