Date Numerology 64/44/28 261st day of the year 104 Days left in the year (11)th day of the season 139 Days til Super Bowl 1(39) Detroit Lions @ New York Giants Breakdown: (11)th day of the NFL season New York is the (11)th state Eli wears #10 Stafford wears #9 10 & 9 = [109] Eli can get regular season win [109] This is Stafford (111)th all time start, playoffs included, (111) New York = (111) (111)th prime is 607 - (607/709) Giants can get all time franchise win, playoffs included, of (709) (709)s prime number is (127) McAdoo with a win will have a record of (12-7) including playoffs (127) Eli can get all time win (117) - (LII) Series is at (21-21-1) not including the one playoff game. With a Giants win they will lead the regular season series record (22-21-1) (2+2=[4] 2+1=[3] & [1] tie {431/134} (431/134) This is N.Y. (1,340)th all time game, playoffs included (134) Caldwell will remain a...