Pittsburg Steelers will beat the Baltimore Ravens

Pittsburg Steelers  5⛧ pick over the Ravens


  1. this is just a question.. I have my doubts and questions as well but i'm not trying to start a fire or debate or rivalry...do you have something against the Zach Hubb guy? I thought you kind of referenced him negatively a few days ago...again, just a question.. I dont care in a take sides sort of way

    1. he's a cancer. if you follow him, he'll curse you. literally. things started happening negatively in my life when i used to follow him. STAY AWAY!

    2. This is what it is with Zach
      I never had a problem with him.
      He once said his goal is to was to make 33,000 dollars and I said to him why 33,000 he never responded.
      I then called him out on the 33.
      Then everyone started to say he was working for these people, which wouldn't shock me at all, but he came back with some cocky response.
      33 is the number used for false flags and bullshit. He then said he was going to switch it to a good number.
      After decades of them using it in murders, rigged sports, false flags so on and so forth. I called him out on that and he banned me.
      Then he tryed saying he taught me everything I know when it comes to decoding. The guy does not do anything I do when it comes to decoding. He uses strictly gematria which I do not.
      The guy is a square and I could care what he thinks.
      On top of that he acts like he is king gematria.
      My cousin Derek owns the gematria site, created it. Zach takes alot of his work and trys to make it seem like it's his. He is a joke.
      I do not associate with him and dont like him because he came at me twice. I never even talked to the guy.
      To be honest I think he is part of the enemy and do not care what he thinks or says.
      I don't like him for them reasons. He is a liar.

  2. All the the other games....you are picking what appear to be stronger teams to lose this week...if this happens. .alot of teams will be below .500, which still keeps the Cardinals, Chargers, Giants in the race

  3. What site? The gematrinator , or what ever it's called...or the forum type of site?

  4. In pickem this week..I got 11 right, against spread but only 8 or 9 right straight up. Would have been 7 had I not taken Jets and Jaguars.

  5. I agree with the Steelers

    30-20 Pittsburgh


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