NFL Week 4 - Browns/Bengals & Cowboys/Rams - 10/1

Any codes on these two games guys...
Keep going back & forth with codes.

Here is the 3 codes that I like the Rams over the Cowboys 

1.) Rams can get Franchise win [547]
547 is the (101)st prime
The date of this game is 10/1 (101)

2.) Last series game played in Dallas was a final of 31-7
31 + 7 = [38]
Goff with a win will have a record  (3-8) [38]

3.) Last series game played in Dallas was a final again of (31-7) [317]
317 is the (66)th prime number [66/99]
Cowboys lead the series in Dallas  (9-8)
With a Rams win series in Dallas is (9-9) [99/66]

Those are three tough codes that are hard to pass on.


  1. Jackson 1-18
    Lewis on 118 wins
    Trump speech in Ohio was 118 days be4 game
    So I see a tie or Bengals win (119)

    1. Or...
      Jackson with win 10-26 (216)
      6×6×6= (216)
      36th start (666)
      Kizer D.O.B 1/3
      With win (1-3)
      Lewis can get all time loss (114)
      11×4= (44)
      44th series game in Cleveland
      Bengals remain at 344 franchise wins with loss
      Lewis can also get regular season loss 107
      107 prime of 28
      28 two rights 88
      88th all time series game (88)
      Adding on the east 119 codes I like the Browns

      Pick Cleveland

  2. The running totals after match #48 in Green Bay:

    Home teams 28 wins and 1117 points (28 points for Falcons in SB51 loss, LI/71)
    Away teams 20 wins and 980 points (98th season)
    Total points 2097 (97th season and 2, something to repeat this season maybe)

    (209)7, most probably a Mimai win next match in sequence, 29th home win, match #7 in Atlanta

    We also saw the SB51/47 final score in Green Bay yesterday, Green Bay 28->34->35
    Chicago 7->14, SB47
    34->35 : 33,54 : Match#54 in 33 Atlanta
    35 : Falcons total 353 wins, will probably stay there after Sunday, but 354 a possibillity. 450 losses (double coded)
    34 : Falcons and Bengals 344 regular season wins, but Bengals searching for win 350 (double coded)

    Everything is connected...

    1. 34->35->45: heres the teams that will stay or move to one of these numbers (reg.season or total win/loss)

      Arizona 543w
      Atlanta 344w 353w 450l
      Buffalo 402w
      Cincinnati 344w 349w
      Dallas 529w
      Detroit 553w
      Colts 503w
      Chiefs 450w
      Chargers 434l 451l
      Miami 342l
      Patriots 403l
      Saints 339w 429l
      Jets 405w
      Seahawks 342w 335l
      Tampa 403 l
      Titans 415w 450l 429w

      Pretty massive. And this was the numbers from scoreboard during the last Packers touchdown and pat

    2. John I been meaning to ask you since Miami is neutral ground could the next home win hope to Cleveland or does Miami in London consider it a home game for the Dolphins.
      I gotta go back to read your post I seen that and didn't want to forget to ask that question again

    3. Technically Miami is the home team, so the running totals would be 29 home wins if Miami wins tomorrow in London. I like Miami to win. Two days ago I also liked Houston to win the next in sequence, to get to 30-20, but now I am a little more veary about Houston...not so sure, will have to look more into this one...

  3. from espn...Dalton is 9-3 as a starting quarterback against the Browns since being drafted by the Bengals in the second round in 2011. Green has played in 11 of those games and has 52 catches for 824 yards and six touchdowns.
    is the 824 any type of indicator since you guys are talking about 248 or something?

  4. Browns I guess, sticking with home teams


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