NFL Week 3 - Broncos @ Bills - 9/24
Date Numerology
267th day of the year
98 days left in the year
17th day of the season
133 days til Super Bowl
Last game played was on 12/7/14
Broncos won (24-17)
12/7 (127) is the [31]st prime number
(31/13) Bills stay at (13) wins in the series at home [13]
Siemain can get loss [7] But...
Taylor can get loss [7] at home
Taylor can get loss (16) [1+6={7}
Denver can get regular season series win (16) [1+6={7}
Denver can get win (17) of the series including the one playoff game (17)
(17)th day of the NFL season (17)
Joesph BD was (4) days ago
Siemain can get away win (4)
Bills lose McDermott will be (1-2) [12]
& at home (1-1) [11]
Bills can get regular season series loss at home of [11]
Bills can get series loss at home of [12] including the one playoff game. [11/12]
There is one code that I feel is an easy to see code:
Siemain is on his (17)th start [17]
With a Broncos loss he will be (10-7) [17]
That easy code made it easier to finalize my decision on who to pick this game.
Pick: Denver Broncos
267th day of the year
98 days left in the year
17th day of the season
133 days til Super Bowl
Last game played was on 12/7/14
Broncos won (24-17)
12/7 (127) is the [31]st prime number
(31/13) Bills stay at (13) wins in the series at home [13]
Siemain can get loss [7] But...
Taylor can get loss [7] at home
Taylor can get loss (16) [1+6={7}
Denver can get regular season series win (16) [1+6={7}
Denver can get win (17) of the series including the one playoff game (17)
(17)th day of the NFL season (17)
Joesph BD was (4) days ago
Siemain can get away win (4)
Bills lose McDermott will be (1-2) [12]
& at home (1-1) [11]
Bills can get regular season series loss at home of [11]
Bills can get series loss at home of [12] including the one playoff game. [11/12]
There is one code that I feel is an easy to see code:
Siemain is on his (17)th start [17]
With a Broncos loss he will be (10-7) [17]
That easy code made it easier to finalize my decision on who to pick this game.
Pick: Denver Broncos
Denver smacks them 17-0
ReplyDeleteYou gonna let me in on your scheme?
DeleteLike I said I will keep it on the hush.
I need to see where your coming from all telling me will do is help you.
It's on you
You know the e-mail
Just let me know if you send it.
I need to do something different