Distraction on Truth
To Truth:
I am sure you all seen the arguments again between RFG & Zach.
You know what it reminds me of is Flat Earth vs Circled Earth.
The reason is it gets truth no where and is a distraction play on the masses. Both are situations that can and will not be fixed.
The main objective to take away from this is to see the mind play being used on the so-called truth community.
It is time for Truth to take a stand and fix what we can fix from these problems with a Higher Conscious.
I am sure you all seen the arguments again between RFG & Zach.
You know what it reminds me of is Flat Earth vs Circled Earth.
The reason is it gets truth no where and is a distraction play on the masses. Both are situations that can and will not be fixed.
The main objective to take away from this is to see the mind play being used on the so-called truth community.
It is time for Truth to take a stand and fix what we can fix from these problems with a Higher Conscious.
Zach did not officially call a Warriors sweep until after they where up 3-0 and only needing one more win. Then after the sweep all I heard him say is it would go 7.
ReplyDeleteZach is a flip flopping fraud straight up gate keeping shill! He plays both sides so he can say he is right always has always will.
ReplyDeleteyup. i mean who the hell pays for his bills when he spends all day behind the computer asking for donations and speaking about a book that will never be finished or published. then we have rfg who works at a casino and claims to know where most of the bets are placed. smh.
ReplyDeletePat•riots War•riors and the Det•riot Tigers all show War and riots coming soon.
DeleteStill trying to breakdown the Pittsburgh Penguins
Pit•sburg Penguins
DeletePit definition is to set someone or something in conflict
pen: enclosure. round up people and dump them in a PIT? people will die due to the war and riots?
DeleteThe penguins name in many ways leads us to the disgusting truth about western society of today, and no wonder the Lord will burn much of it down:
DeleteGUNS: penGUiNS
DRUGS: (pit) sdurg (h), d is a fliped and mirrored p
SODOMY (penis, anal): PENguInS, PENnSylvanIa, pennsyLvANiA
ABUSE: b (eng) u (i) se, b is a flipped p and a is free in numerology
HEATHEN DEVIL WORSHIP: de (nnsy) lv (an) i (a)
SIN: penguINS
STUPID: pits-d-u (rgh)
This list goes on and on and on.....
But even more important is the double (or triple) meaning of the same codes. It is like the Lord is whispering silently into the ears of every Adamic soul on the earth today, a call for action to purge the devils and restore order in society:
PURGE DEVILS: PittsbURGh dE(nn)s(y)lv(an)i(a)
Now genius, penguins without the p and n. In between n and p we have the letter O. Add O to the equation and it starts to clear up a little bit more:
RESTORE GODS ORDER: (pi) ts (bu)-O-rg (h) de (nguins)
I could have made this comment much, much, much longer, but we probably got enough now to decode the REAL TRUTH behind PITTSBURGH PENGUINS PENNSYLVANIA:
It is a message from the Lord to his creation Adam, probably as follows:
"Now Adam, genius. I created you and gave you both the Promise and the Law, and warned you many times through history of the consequences of breaking it.
Still you stiff-necked fool, you chose to walk your own ways. Look where it has gotten you now! I can let the satan/jews destroy you all and end your sins, and also let the Earth be cursed forever.
But if you now take a fresh look at the situation, understand and turn around, only then I will give you back the PROMISE from old.
Every Adamic knee shall bow, and then will the Kingdom of Peace be restored on Earth!
Zach seems genuine to me, but he gets predictions wrong sometimes like anyone else. The only bad thing is tries to say that he picked them right afterwards anyway. Better to just admit you didn't pick it and continue to decode.
ReplyDeleteZach is such a fraud he had numerous people donate for the offer truth website just two so-called have it shut down and then blame it on the guys who created it such a fucking fraud screams scammer! I beileve 100% he possible paid to have it setup and then not even a month in he pulled the plug and kept all the donation money.
ReplyDeleteHe is the one to put these gematria codes out.
DeleteHe is obviously Jewish
Now that these gematria codes are out it is showing us how much control the Elite really have.
They block some of the dumbest shit on youtube and let gematria go.
On top of that how many strikes can Zach get?
How many times is he going to say he will not load anyones videos because he has 2 strikes all ready ?
Why did he just upload RFGs video dissing him and there will be nothing done about it.
Lil more than fishy if you ask me.
I used to like reading Zach's blogs, but he really needs to figure himself out, unless he really is there to mislead. He'll never go anywhere with this stuff. He wonders why his subs dont increase like others out there. One reason for all of this, he is a D bag when someone doesn't agree with him. He should also state hes just putting the codes out there and not predicting anything, cause his warrior "prediction" was WAY OFF.
ReplyDeleteYou're completely right, but I cut him some slack because he does get negative comments constantly every day and that can get to you after a while, and he puts so much time into decoding and making posts that I have to respect it. He obviously cares a lot but gets very frustrated that people aren't getting it.
DeleteThere's only so much slack to cut these days. If he really wanted to get the word out, he should ignore the trolls and opinions. The blog and videos are enough to sway a sheep, but if they don't want to think its all a truman show, then so be it. No need to call him a faggot or GOY. New people that stumble upon his work will see that and exit quickly. Hence why I say this movement won't go anywhere past his blog.
DeleteHe acts like he created the code.
DeleteWhen these Jews gave him the code to share with the public
Please do not pay more attention to either RFG or Zach, they are both controlled assets of the freemason jews.
ReplyDeleteRFG and Zach are examples of enteties that were given a frame or dominion to work within. Even if they posess more knowledge than they already has shared with us, they are not allowed by their masters to spread this knowledge no more. Their game from now on is distraction and the old divide-and-conquer war strategy (the jews = cain, several thousands of years with world war between cain and adam/abel...)
From now on we have to do the good work. Use the knowledge that we have been given and spread both the warnings and the good news throughout the Adamic communities in the World...
Also take a closer look at Zach, and he is obviously the smarter one compared with RFG. Zach is on some kind of drugs. Is it so that he has chosen this poison himself? Jews are the notorious drug dealers of the Earth (over 90% of the drug business is controlled or run by the jews...) Maybe they sometimes use some of "the goods" themselves, or maybe Zach is on one of the "Mind Control Drug Programs" so that he is more easily controlled by his puppet masters?
Good points
DeleteI've noticed that in his videos as well, dude looks pretty high. lol
DeletePolarization Nation Media is hands down the best there is around! Zach has ripped off so much of his work until its not even funny.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy Jason James work as well.
DeleteHe can be a dick too but is a Fabulous decoder and you have to respect that