4/23/17 - On Watch
4/23 is the 112/113th day of the year (112/113 Day of the year) 311/211. Also it is 16 weeks 1 day, (161). Also it is 3 months 22 days, 322. It leaves 252 days left in the year or 8 months 8 days, 88 - Trump = 88. It leaves 36 weeks left in the year, 666.
It is exactly 5 months until September 23rd, the day the stars line up for the bible prophecy with the Woman with 12 stars over her head. 5 month suffering pain like in revelations where it states we will suffer for 5 months and men will wish death but it will flee them.
I am not saying anything will happen but this day is on watch, 4/23/17. God Bless
It is exactly 5 months until September 23rd, the day the stars line up for the bible prophecy with the Woman with 12 stars over her head. 5 month suffering pain like in revelations where it states we will suffer for 5 months and men will wish death but it will flee them.
I am not saying anything will happen but this day is on watch, 4/23/17. God Bless
161 = 161 page manifesto