NBA OKC/Charlotte decode 4/2

Oklahoma City
Thunder  -5

I did a breakdown on this game through the Coaches birthdays/stats & teams.
Starting with OKC coach Donovan D.O.B. 5/30 Til today 4/2.
His birthday was 44 weeks ago, flip 44 and you get 44 for OKCs 44th win this season.
His birthday is in 8 weeks and 3 days (83) from today, flip it and you get 38, (38).
The 38th prime number is 163. Charlottes coach Clifford can get his 163rd all time win.
(Counting the playoff wins also)
Donovans D.O.B. is 5/30 & if flipped (drop zero) you get 35. Hornets can stay at 35 wins.
As for Clifford (Hornets coach) D.O.B. 9/17 from today 4/2 til 9/17 is 24 weeks if flipped
42, (42). Charlotte can get its 42 loss of the season today.

There is more pointing to an OKC win today but that don't mean they cover. Also there is
a stat line for Clifford to get his 163rd win All Time. I am not calling a winner here but do
like Westbrook to get a triple-double (40) tonight either way for this reason...
Date Numerology today of 43, 23 and 16. Triple Double equals 139 in the ordinal cypher
139 is the 34th prime number. If you take todays date numerology of 43 and flip it you
get 34 and the 34th prime is 139 which triple double equals 139 in the ordinal cypher.

Pick: Did not make one but Westbrook gets a triple-double imo. 


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